Every day I get this question about "belly fat" or "beer gut" and today I am going to focus on a nutrition plan for three days that involves eliminating carbohydrates from your regimen. For optimal muscle growth, you need to change up your resistance training routine and the same holds true for nutrition and diet. It is a common misconception that most of the weight around your midsection is from saturated and trans fat foods. In actuality, most of this visceral fat is caused by excessive amounts of carbohydrates and more specifically simple carbs (white bread, cookies, candy, soda, etc.). These cause dramatic shifts in your blood sugar levels causing your pancreas to release insulin to bring the glucose in your body back to homeostasis. The excess glucose in your system looks for a place of storage and this is usually in the form of fat, especially if all other glycogen levels are full. In order to lean out the body, try these foods for three days and entirely eliminate all carbs including fruits, the aforementioned simple carbs, and even your typical complex carbs (whole grain, whole wheat, pasta, etc). Even though vegetables are still carbohydrates, they are permitted due to their limited effect on the Glycemic Index (GI).
So why try this for just three days? As with any change in nutrition plan, you have to start with small incremental changes and see how your body responds. Think of it as gaining control of your body and eating habits. This way you will know what your body responds well to and how to "tweak" it every now and again. Many body builders have a glass of wine the night before a competition or other diuretics to assist with leaning out the body. Simple changes can have major effects on your body. Be prepared to have less energy but also be a little lighter around the mid-section. Again, I am not an advocate of excessive days or months on a low/reduced carbohydrate nutrition plan but doing three days off, then three days on and back again will show you just how important the proper foods are to your overall happiness and state of mind.
Food that is permitted during the three days:
Chicken, eggs, lean meat, egg whites, grass feed organic meat, avocadoes, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, celery, fennel, asparagus.
Oils that will help you with good fat (polyunsaturated and mono unsaturated):
Various oils such as:
* olive oil
* avocado oil
* grapeseed oil
* soybean oil
* corn oil
* peanut oil
* safflower oil
* sunflower oil
Water for drinks
Now let's see if you can do this for just three days and see what your results look like. Once you have completed the three days, then sit back and enjoy a carb heavy meal with some whole wheat pasta, lots of fruit and a beverage of choice. Your body will thank you and be shocked. Make sure you weigh in before and after for optimal benefit. Enjoy.
As a disclaimer, please check with your health care provider before trying this or any form of weight altering program.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_J_Daciuk
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Mike J Daciuk
Daciuk, Mike J.".".16 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012
Daciuk, M. J. (2012, January 16). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Three-Day-Ripped-Phase&id=6820735Chicago Style Citation:
Daciuk, Mike J. "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Three-Day-Ripped-Phase&id=6820735EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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