A lot of people want to get bigger, heavier and stronger.
People will then do some rudimentary calculations (or read something out of a magazine) and decide that they need to up their protein intake as well as their other calories.
What the majority of these people do is buy themselves some protein powder or they buy a weight gainer. The vast majority don't know enough about nutrition to buy themselves a good weight gainer or a good protein substitute.
Instead, they go to Holland and Barrett or to GNC and pick up the first tub of weight gainer they see or the one that has the biggest, most shredded guy on it. Good advertising; people will generally think that the dude on the front of the tub used that product to get to where he is. Perhaps I should have called it false advertising.
Most of the weight gainers out there pad out their product with something cheap - vegetable fats. Those products will definitely make you put on a lot of weight and very quickly - but it'll be fat. So you'll be paying a lot of money to get fatter.
They put in very simple sugars to spike your insulin and when you have a lot of insulin circulating and a lot of fat you end up with lipogenesis. That means your body will store all of those fats in your adipose tissue.
That's why I recommend making your own weight gainer.
Ground Oats (5kg)
Instantized whey protein (5kg)
Creatine Monohydrate/Ethyl Ester HCL/Gluconate (250g)
That's practically all you need.
Take this 3 (30g each time) times a day and you'll get bigger for definite.
Now assuming, that your whey is around 80% protein (it'll never be 100% protein) you will be getting around 40g of protein from the whey.
Remember, oats do contain some protein too, so you might be getting another 10g out of that - total of 50g per day just from liquids now.
As for carbs, you'll be getting approximately 50g. However, the oats also contain fibre, which can prevent carbohydrate absorption meaning you'll be getting less of it (this will stop you getting fatter to some degree).
The fibre also helps with digestion and absorption of nutrients such as protein.
There will also be a small amount of fat from the oats, giving you more calories and providing you with some of the fats you need for sterol synthesis in your body.
Putting that all together and you could be taking in an additional ~400 calories (it depends on your ingredients - purity, composition etc.).
You may be thinking why is there creatine gluconate in the mix? Well, the gluconate ester (it's glucose) means that it's more easily absorbed than creatine monohydrate or the other esters. Once the creatine ester enters the bloodstream it's cleaved - that means you'll have creatine and glucose in this case. The glucose will trigger insulin release meaning the creatine will be shuttled into your cells. This type of creatine, in my opinion, is the best compared to monohydrate and ethyl-ester.
A lot of people feel that creatine is unsafe; however, it's the most research supplement out there and if anyone wants I've written up an article up about its benefits. If you still don't feel safe taking it, you can leave it out, it isn't a big deal.
If you want to get more protein out of it, you could simply add more protein - remember to calculate the new dietary amounts if you're counting calories and macronutrients.
At first glance, it may seem expensive but it'll last you quite some time. If you take this after you've eaten a meal, you'll be able to ingest more calories throughout the day (you can still put liquids into your body once you feel full).
Let me stress one final thing. Your diet is what is going to determine what you look like, not your supplements (unless you want to go down a different, more chemical route). Sometimes, it's just not practical to eat another meal and sometimes it's just plain easier to mix up a shake and drink it. Only invest in supplements once you feel that this is something you're going to do for a while - I don't want anyone wasting their hard-earned money on supplements.
Writen by Shiva, a med student with an interest in bodybuilding and powerlifting.
Check out my other work over at http://www.skengtraining.com
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shiva_Varma
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Shiva Varma
Varma, Shiva".".23 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.3 Feb. 2012
Varma, S. (2012, January 23). . Retrieved February 3, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Make-Your-Own-Weight-Gainer&id=6836307Chicago Style Citation:
Varma, Shiva "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Make-Your-Own-Weight-Gainer&id=6836307EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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