It is critical for you to find the best workout routines that work for you to gain muscle. Doing the same workouts as everyone else may not be the right way for you to get the body you want. First of all, you need to answer this question. Why am I willing to come to the gym a few times a week and do these workout routines. Maybe you just want to get into better shape and lose some weight, or some of you may want to bulk up like the Hulk. You need to set your fitness goals and then build your routine around those goals.
One way to accomplish setting your goals and getting the right workout to match those goals is to work with a personal trainer. Most health clubs offer you access to personal trainers, usually for some additional cost. They will go over a number of questions with you to help you establish what it is you want to accomplish and then they will build a workout routine to meet your needs. At the very least, ask someone from the facility to show you the proper way to use the equipment. If the cost of a personal trainer is outside of your budget, don't worry, I will give you some great tips here to help you meet your fitness goals.
Always warm up some to start your workout routine and then do your exercises to gain muscle. Find a few cardio building exercises such as jumping rope, using the elliptical trainer, brisk walking or jogging if a track is available, swimming, or walking on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes before doing your weight training. Vary these cardio routines each time, both for variety and to use different muscle groups.
Depending on where you are starting from, I would suggest you use the weight machines as a beginning point. The machines will give you a certain amount of stability and a vast amount of weight choices to help you get started and avoid injury as you gain muscle. Be sure to work out all your muscle groups. The machines many times will have pictures and explanations of just which muscle groups are being used with that particular piece of equipment. Use a weight that will let you do between 7-10 repetitions before your muscle reaches exhaustion. That occurs when you can't do another rep. Once you have done this a few times, you may want to increase the number of sets you do to 2 or 3 and or increase the weight in small increments.
Don't over do it, especially on your first visits. When people wake up the next day and can't lift their arms or get out of bed, they are more likely not to return and will fail to meet their fitness goals. Start by doing maybe 3 or 4 machines that work out a variety of different muscle groups on the first day. Give yourself a couple of days to recover. Then on your next visit use 3 or 4 different machines that work other muscle groups. Soon you will be able to establish a rotation of machines for each visit that will not only give you variety, but will make sure you are constantly exercising all you muscle groups to gain muscle mass.
Be sure to rest a couple of days between workout routines. The process of doing exercise does some damage and tears the muscle fibers. Muscle growth comes from the repair and recovery of those tears which makes the muscle stronger and larger. The best formula for this recovery is eating a proper diet and getting a good nights sleep. You do not need to work out 5 times a week to get the body you want. The key is to maintain a balance of exercising all the muscle groups, doing some cardio to warm up, but most of all making your workout routine both fun and enjoyable. That is what will help you to stick with it for life.
Remember, having a healthy body goes beyond just gaining muscle and getting toned up. What and how you eat are critical to not only your overall health, but how well your muscles recover and grow larger. Your workout routine should include making adjustments to both of these aspects of your life. So if you are currently not paying attention to what and how you eat, try to make some positive changes there as well. That topic is beyond the scope of this article, however, so for right now get to building muscle.
If you want to take it to the next level, then start to add in some free weight routines as well. Use the same cautions as before by asking experienced personnel to show you the proper use of the free weights and not over doing it to start. Any time you get into a situation where you are lifting heavy weights with a risk of injury, you should use a spotter to help you in case you get into trouble.
With this basic information, you should be able to build yourself a custom workout routine either with the help of a personal trainer or by yourself. Good luck and get to work to gain muscle that will help build that body you know you can have.
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Bill Hildebrand
Hildebrand, Bill".".8 Feb. Feb. 2012
Hildebrand, B. (2012, February 8). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from Style Citation:
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