A lot has been written about this subject and there's been a lot of controversy and myth surrounding it. What is it really? And what's available?
To put it simply, whey protein is the by product of making cheese, and while it's not that simple, unless you're super fascinated by the process it's about all you need to know. It's not that wonderful all by itself, which is why most of us will drink it in milkshake form. From its original form it is treated and depending on the manufacturer, lots of vitamins and minerals can be added to it.
Unless you really know your onions, you're probably best off buying a trusted brand, following the instructions to the letter and monitoring the effects.
Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty. What good will whey protein do? Why should a person use it?
Well, they don't have to. By applying a great workout plan, being committed to following it and sticking to a healthy diet, you WILL get fitter, stronger and leaner in the long run. Protein supplements can certainly help with muscle gain and fat loss. Yup, that's right. It's not just for guys who want massive muscles, it is also very beneficial for those who wish to reduce their body fat and lose weight. A recent report from the USDA showed a group of people who over a 23 week period of whey protein consumption lost 4-5 pounds more than a control group, with neither group dieting or exercising.
How awesome is that?
When it comes to muscle building, is even more impressive. It increases blood flow to muscle tissue, supporting muscle growth and quickens recovery. Taking a supplement will increase muscle growth by more than 25%. That's a lot less working out for a lot more muscle.
So, how much do you need and when should you be taking it?
Commonly 1 gram per pound of body weight of protein a day is the norm for a person who wants to build muscle and get fit. Anything up to 1.5 grams is good enough, there's no point going over that. As for when, well that's generally up to you. It is best to have a supplement before and after a workout, and I would also recommend a supplement to your normal daily protein intake as soon as you wake up. This combats the effects on your muscle that sleep and no food for the past 8 hours has had.
Other than that, use your common sense. How much protein do you normally get anyway? 70 grams? 100 grams? Who knows, it depends on your diet and lifestyle. I would recommend increasing your normal protein intake anyway. More chicken please and peanut butter. Yummmy. A protein rich diet is another story, one which I won't go into here but it's easy to get 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight into your diet. Especially with a whey protein supplement.
So, the bottom line is that you don't absolutely need protein supplements to get the best out of your gym visits, but it certainly helps.
Visit my bodybuilding site to find out the exact whey protein I use. I also give advice on how to build muscle and which weight benches are best for home use, so visit and sign up to my newsletter now.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Carnegie
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Lance Carnegie
Carnegie, Lance".".6 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.7 Feb. 2012
Carnegie, L. (2012, February 6). . Retrieved February 7, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Best-Whey-Protein&id=6862955Chicago Style Citation:
Carnegie, Lance "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Best-Whey-Protein&id=6862955EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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