Triceps make up two thirds of the arm, so it is no wonder why to get big arms you need to have big triceps. With that being said, many people wonder which triceps exercises are the best tricep exercises.
That sounds simple enough, but believe it or not, many people have no idea which tricep exercises are actually the best tricep exercises for tricep growth.
Well, worry no more. I am going to tell you which triceps exercises are considered the best tricep exercises by experienced bodybuilders, and personal trainers for overall tricep growth.
Most Effective Triceps Exercises
Although the following triceps exercises may seem familiar and basic they are still among the top triceps exercises on everyone's list of "must do" triceps exercises. Although these triceps exercises are in some order of importance, they all are beneficial for developing perfect triceps. None of these top tricep exercises should be excluded.
Close Grip Triceps Bench PressClose Grip Triceps Bench Press is arguably the best mass-builder for the triceps, and one of the most useful exercises in developing pressing strength. As far as poundage is concerned, there is no other triceps exercise that can match the Close Grip Triceps Bench Press. Close Grip Triceps Bench Press will create hypertrophy in your largest fast twitch muscle fibers, in other words if you want mass this triceps exercise is right in line for creating it.
Close Grip Tricep Bench Press is considered the best tricep exercise by many because of two very important reasons. (1) With the Close Grip Tricep Bench Press you can move heavy weights and heavy weights mean big thick well developed triceps. (2) the Close Grip Triceps Bench Press allows for a large range of motion. A large range of motion allows for the greatest muscle contraction. This is an important factor for maximum growth. Full range of motion, combined with heavy weights equals muscle growth!
Lying Triceps Extensions (aka, skull crushers) are also considered one of the best tricep exercises because for two reasons. (1) Lying Triceps Extensions have a great range of motion. Lying Triceps Extensions work the entire triceps;from the elbow all the way to the latissimus dorsi. Due to its full use of the triceps muscle group, and this great range of motion, the Lying Triceps Extension comes in a close second to the Close Grip Triceps Bench Press as the best triceps exercise.
Tricep DipsTricep Dips made the list of best tricep exercises because it is a great exercise for developing overall tricep mass AND when Triceps Dips are performed properly they hit ALL three heads of the tricep. Tricep Dips is also a tricep exercise that allows for great range of motion. With Tricep Dips you can also pack on heavy weight using a weight belt to blast your triceps for maximum tricep growth.
Triceps Cable PushdownsTricep Cable Pushdowns also made the list of best tricep exercises because (1) the Tricep Cable Pushdown is a triceps exercise that can work all three heads of the triceps (depending on the grip) (2) it is a tricep exercise that allows for incredible variation simply by switching the bar. By switching the bar, the angle changes and the triceps get worked in a different manner. The varying angles provide a recipe for growth. An example of this would be using the V-bar to hit the outer part of the triceps, the rope to hit those hard to reach fibers deep within the triceps muscles. A reverse grip is another great way to vary your triceps routine and help develop the outer part of your triceps.
Triceps PushupsTricep Pushups made the list as one of the best tricep exercises for one simple reason: their simplicity. Tricep Pushups also made the list of best tricep exercises because of their versatility. Tricep Pushups can be done anywhere and at anytime. Tricep Pushups can be performed so that all parts of the triceps are worked, simply by altering the hand position and the angle. Tricep pushups can also be made harder by placing your legs on a chair so that your legs are higher than your head. The higher you place the legs the greater the angle and the harder the exercise is to perform. This increased angle increases the force. Greater force recruits more muscle fibers and will lead to greater tricep growth. To maximize the effect on the tricep, tricep pushups are performed with your hands as close together as possible.
About the Author Lynn Glenn
Lynn GlennLynn Glenn is a 61 year old natural athlete from southern California who started training at the ripe young age of 48. After catching the "bodybuilding bug", Lynn Glenn became interested in living a healthy lifestyle and started writing about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, bodybuilding, nutrition, personal training and disease prevention. At 61 years young, Lynn Glenn's dedication and success in the gym serves as a tremendous inspiration for many "mature" weightlifters trying to look better, feel better and beat father time! To contact Lynn regarding personal training, or product endorsements, click here or visit his personal page
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