Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Train Like a Commando

ByKev Wood

If you want the physique of a commando you need to . The Navy Seals are one the most elite groups in the United States Military and Seals must stay in top shape at all times. Even with the technology and money that the Seals have at their fingertips the only piece of exercise equipment these warriors need is their own bodyweight. That's right, you heard correctly...their own body weight, and that is really the only thing anyone needs to get in the kind of physical shape they have always wanted.

When you discuss bodyweight exercises people think of push-ups, pull-ups, maybe sit-ups, while those are great exercises to get really ripped you need to , like a Navy Seal, and they do more than just those exercises. There are literally dozens of variations of bodyweight exercises, the top three Navy Seal bodyweight workout exercises are explained below.

Burpees: This combines a push-up with a squat and is one of the best all around bodyweight exercise. From a standing position drop to your hands and kick your feet into the ready push-up position. Complete a push-up and when you reach the top of the push-up jump your feet between your hands and jump straight up into the air. Without stopping repeat this series of moves.

Muscle Up: The muscle-up is basically a pull-up followed by a dip. With a forward or false grip on a bar, pull your head above the bar. On your way down straighten your legs making an L with your body then VERY slowly lower yourself to straight-arm. Repeat.

Handstand Push-ups: Just as the name implies, these are push-ups while doing a handstand. Using a wall for balance get into a handstand position, then bend your arms and lower your head toward the floor while keeping your body straight, then back to the ready position. Repeat.

Now you have 3 exercises to get started on your own Navy Seals body weight workout. Do you have what it takes? In order to you need to be dedicated and disciplined to follow the correct type of program. When commandos train they are preparing for war. What are you preparing for. The most important tool of any workout is deciding your why. Why are you torturing yourself for a better looking body. Commandos have a huge WHY built in. That WHY is to accomplish the mission and return home alive. If you find a strong WHY like a navy seal your workouts will become a mission.

Discover more tips to workout like a commando at http://tacfitcommandohq.com.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kev_Wood

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Kev Wood

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Wood, Kev".".2 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.7 Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
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