Learning what to eat to gain muscle mass while losing fat in the process can be quite tricky. Knowing what is correct can be confusing, though with a dedicated effort and some time spent researching, an appropriate balanced diet is achievable. There are two components needed when muscle building is a goal, and those are intense weight training workouts, and an adequate diet.
To properly guide a person to eating the foods that will help them in this scenario it is appropriate to say that an individual should have a basic idea of their personal dietary needs. Consulting with a physician or a nutritionist if possible is a great way to determine what type of diet will be appropriate. An individual should know their BMI index and their muscle to fat ratio before planning a diet.
Knowing these things will help a person determine how much protein, daily calories, carbohydrates, saturated fats, and other types of nutrients their body needs. Working out requires a lot of fuel, even for those who are overweight. Eating a balanced diet is vital to providing the body with all that it needs to maintain the strength needed to meet fitness goals.
One important thing that needs to be addressed is fat intake. It has been proven that if a body is starved of fat it will store fat and not burn it during workouts. The amount of fat needed by each individual per day will depend upon the person's weight and the intensity of their workouts.
Building a diet that is balanced in proteins, saturated fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals, is easy to do if the dietary pyramid is followed. Once an understanding of the importance of a well balanced diet is established, an individual can begin adding additional nutrients. Eating additional foods that contain proteins, fibers, fats and sugars, among other nutrients will help boost an intense workout. Because each body is different it is important to follow nutritionally set standards for particular needs.
An overweight person will need to be cautious with certain food intakes, such as sugars and fats. They will however need to eat them, just in limited amounts and at certain times. Many foods that help with muscle building and fat burning need to be eaten at certain times for maximum results, regardless of weight.
Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are essential to helping the muscles heal after each work out. A diet needs to contain high amounts of the fruits and veggie food groups for that reason. Carbohydrates should be consumed after a workout as well as some in between workouts for their ability to provide fuel to the muscles.
Studying the food groups and the nutritional properties of each desirable food within that group will be extremely helpful. Providing the body with protein shakes and other nutritional supplements will greatly aid in mass muscle gain and appropriate fat loss. Though it is important to provide the body with ample nutrition for muscle growth, the level of fitness training must be intense and should include weight training for optimum results.
If you'd like to learn more about Better Fitness Training, please visit http://www.betterfitnesstraining.com
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Norman_Stephens
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Norman Stephens
Stephens, Norman".".8 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Feb. 2012
Stephens, N. (2012, February 8). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Achieving-Maximum-Muscle-Mass-Through-Dieting-And-Intense-Workout&id=6869438Chicago Style Citation:
Stephens, Norman "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Achieving-Maximum-Muscle-Mass-Through-Dieting-And-Intense-Workout&id=6869438EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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