Lots of guys want to get ripped or jacked or whatever you want to call attaining a physically fit physique. That's what the end goal should ultimately be for dreamers. If you want to build muscle then there's some things you've got to get nailed in that head of yours.
You Really Want It?
The truth is that just about any guy can gain a decent amount of lean muscle mass. It doesn't matter if you're as skinny as the dead. It doesn't matter what body type you have at all. What does matter is what you're willing to do about the situation.
It's one thing to sit on the fence and always dream of attaining something and it's something completely different to go out and get it by whatever means. And this is the exact kind of mindset you need to have when it comes to building muscle.
You either lift weights or you don't lift weights. It's really that simple. You don't lose weight by not exercising via cardio, right? So, what is the difference between wanting to gain muscle? The simple formula to gaining muscle is to get stronger step by step. And you gets stronger by lifting weights.
Get The Mindset And Get The Muscles
You're not going to gain a decent amount of muscle mass overnight so this is the kind of mentality you need to throw out the window. Instead, you should realize that gaining muscle takes time and a good amount of it. Just as a college student progresses through a course and learns more as the course moves onward, you are literally teaching your body how to be stronger with each and every move you take.
In this case it is weight lifting exercises. And more specifically, it is a combination of weight lifting exercises and a good amount of protein in your diet. You see, once you stop thinking and start doing you will automatically be on your way towards a bigger and better you.
Instead of thinking about how you'd like a bigger set of biceps actually do something that will get you bigger biceps. Go out to your local sports store and buy yourself some dumbbells. Use those dumbbells and start doing curls on a regular basis. Raise the amount of weight you are lifting on a regular basis as well and sure enough you are going to be stronger and bigger.
It's a man's will and motivation that ultimately drives a better physique. Not everyone starts out husky. Every ripped guy you see walking down the street or at your local gym had to make that initial step at some point just like you need to. So, take the leap and don't look back. You won't regret it.
Gain more motivation and learn why you can gain muscle mass now. Not interested? Get connected with fresh fitness content.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evan_Bell
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Evan Bell
Bell, Evan".".13 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Feb. 2012
Bell, E. (2012, February 13). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Do-You-Really-Want-To-Build-Muscle?&id=6877683Chicago Style Citation:
Bell, Evan "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Do-You-Really-Want-To-Build-Muscle?&id=6877683EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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