Monday, February 20, 2012

Common Misunderstandings About Building Six Packs

ByManny Wilks

Ok so here we go again another new year and again back to the commitment to get that perfect trimmed six pack by the summer so you can show it off. The first thing that usually comes to mind is I have to start more exercise but could you be making a big mistake and actually hindering rather than improving your chances for that great stomach?

When it comes to building six packs there are many things floating around that are often mistaken for fact. These misconceptions can really ruin a person's chance of getting a six pack. Specifically speaking, misconceptions when it comes to exercising are the biggest problem. The following list explains some of the common things people misunderstand about building six packs.

Misunderstandings People Have About Building Great Looking Six Packs
There are different muscles that need worked to build the six pack. In reality the six-pack is actually one muscle. There is no way to work different parts of it. Usually when people say they need to work different parts of their six pack, they are talking about working different parts of their abdominal muscles. Working the oblique and the deeper abdominal muscles is helpful but will really not contribute or take away from the actually six-pack.
Just because you feel an exercise in one area does not mean that is the only area getting worked. Many times people add additional exercises simply because they do not feel anything when they work out. All they are doing is simply overloading themselves with needless exercise. This can actually strain the muscles. When you do certain exercise it is natural to feel them in certain places, but this does not mean that other areas of your abs are not getting worked out as well.
Once I get the six pack then it will be easy to maintain. For a small number of people this may be true, but for the majority of people this is false. The fact that a person must have a very low body fat percentage makes maintaining a six pack almost as hard as building it in the first place. You will have to keep your body fat percentage low in order to keep the six pack visible. You will also need to keep working your abdominal muscles to keep them in shape.

These three misunderstandings are quite common. They can lead to people being frustrated and giving up on their quest for a six pack. So, it is really good for you to understand the truth before starting your six pack process, so you can avoid falling prey to these falsehoods.

Remember also it's not a single thing you need to look at. You need to look at this as at least a 3 prong project. That includes diet; professional advice and then exercises.

Get Professional Advice on Building a Great Six Pack just go to for more details.

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Manny Wilks

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Wilks, Manny".".24 Jan. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Wilks, M. (2012, January 24). . Retrieved February 3, 2012, from­Misunderstandings-­About-­Building-­Six-­Packs&id=6837539Chicago Style Citation:
Wilks, Manny "."­Misunderstandings-­About-­Building-­Six-­Packs&© 2012
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