I have a confession to make. I don't understand why the topic of muscle-building seems to complicated to many people. Now, do not get me wrong. If you are competing at an elite level of bodybuilding then you'll probably need to break the entire subject down to a science in order to come up triumphant. However, the rest of us just want to look good don't we? Most of the details are superfluous and really a waste of time. Prisoners, who don't know much about anatomy nor do they exercise much control over their diet, manage to get insanely ripped. I will concede that all they do is work on their bodies, but it still reinforces my argument. Bodybuilding success is not complicated unless you make it so. If you are new to the world of bodybuilding, you'll be pleased you came across this article because I will give you very simple pointers which if applied, will get you some great results. Let me show you a simple way to go about building muscle.
1. Measure - That's right. Tape measures and scales are fairly inexpensive to buy. You want to start with a distinct idea of where you are in relation to your goals. if you have no clear goal, we will touch on that later. this is purely mental. Is it possible to make progress without knowing your measurements? Yes, of course. But this just ensures you are REALISTIC about what you'd like to achieve and you know the timeframes. Measure your weight, height and also measure body parts like your chest, waist, bicep, inner thigh, neck and calves. Every 2 weeks, you want to update your measurements. Why? Because sometimes you may not SEE the changes in the mirror but the measurements will tell you otherwise. This will keep you motivated and motivation is a VITAL ingredient. It dictates how dedicated you'll be to your workouts. It dictates how eager you'll be to get to the gym and it'll push you when you simply don't feel up to it.
2. Plan - After this, you need a plan. There are millions of workout and diet plans out there. You need one that's tried and tested and I can suggest one later. But a proven plan is one that has obtained results for others. If it has worked for others, then it WILL work for you. Muscle grows if you obey a few principles and most workout programs adhere to these principles. In case you are wondering, the principles are intensity and progressive overload (lifting heavier weights as time progresses), nutrition (where the diet plan comes in) and rest (what you do outside the gym).
3. Consistency - This is heavily tied in with motivation. Most of us like instant gratification and believe it or not, changes will occur just 48 hours after your first gym session. You just don't seem them as they are not significant enough to be cosmetically altering. However, the tape measure and bathroom scales will tell you. Once you get results, you create a self feeding mechanism in which you want more results and when you get more results, you want EVEN more. That cycle will continue and before you know it, within a number of months, you'll be totally transformed.
For more muscle building advice, drop by our website! You'll find specialized advice on specific body parts such as gluteus maximus exercises and forearm workouts to name just a few. We just give you the truth without all the unnecessary hype. See you soon!
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Mubaiwa
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Dennis Mubaiwa
Mubaiwa, Dennis".".7 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Feb. 2012
Mubaiwa, D. (2012, February 7). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Three-Ways-To-Boost-Your-Chances-Of-Bodybuilding-Success&id=6867192Chicago Style Citation:
Mubaiwa, Dennis "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Three-Ways-To-Boost-Your-Chances-Of-Bodybuilding-Success&id=6867192EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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