Friday, February 24, 2012

Work Out for a Dent in the Chest

ByColt H Sliva

Pectus Evactum is a fairly common deformation of the sternum. I know this because I personally have it. I never really knew I was different until I was 8 years old and people started commenting that I had a caved-in chest or my body was oddly curved. The worst one was

"Can you eat cereal out of your chest"

No, sorry, I have not tried to eat cereal out of my chest. This lead to a semi self-conscious childhood and a terrible learning curve when it came to swimming.

So without further ado, a workout to work the pecs and surrounding muscles and fill in the dent.

DipsFrom a parallel bar, lower yourself down until the arms are bent at a 90 degree angle, then press back up. This is one repetition.Complete 10 sets of as many reps as possible until failure.If full reps can't be completed, do assisted dips.PushupsFrom a plank position, slowly lower the body until the chest gently touches the ground. Take a one second pause, then push back up to plank position.Again, complete 10 sets of as many reps as possible until failure.If full reps can't be completed, do pushups from the knees or leaning against the wall.


Hanging from a bar, raise yourself up until the chin is well above the bar. Lower back down and repeat. (Try not to kick or "kip" up. Good form makes champions!)Complete 10 sets of as many reps as possible until failure.If full reps can't be completed, do assisted pullups

As you can see its not overly complicated...but it is hard Its derived from a German Hypertrophy program that has been proven to work. This means its going to build muscles quickly. And as a bonus, the bodyweight exercises are compound which mean they work several muscle groups equally.

This program is effective if you're an intermediate athlete or a newbie. Especially if you're starting out, the gains should be significant. Even if you're doing modified and can't complete the sets, progress is being made.

The goal is that by the last set, only one rep can be completed because the exercise has become so hard. This training through to failure is a proven method. The original spartans trained in this manner, along with longbowmen of Henry VIII, all the way up to the great strong men of the 20th century.

Train on my friends and fill that dent.

Please remember, feed the muscle. A major part of working out is diet. Some say diet is 70% of the workout. If you would like to know more on this subject, read my blog.

My blog -

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Colt H Sliva

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MLA Style Citation:
Sliva, Colt H.".".6 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Sliva, C. H. (2012, February 6). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from­Out-­for-­a-­Dent-­in-­the-­Chest&id=6864849Chicago Style Citation:
Sliva, Colt H. "."­Out-­for-­a-­Dent-­in-­the-­Chest&© 2012
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