Monday, February 20, 2012

Seated Cable Concentration Curls

E-mail Written by Jeff Behar, MS, MBA  Cable Concentration Curls

The Cable Concentration Curl is an isolation exercise that works primarily  the long head (lateral head) of the bicable-concentration-curlceps brachii that is activatedsignificantly more than the short head (medial head).

Muscles Worked when Performing the Cable Concentration Curl 

Target Muscles

Brachialis - Note: The long head (lateral head) of the biceps brachii is activatedsignificantly more than the short head (medial head) of the bicepsbrachii since the short head enters into activeinsufficiency as it continues to contract.


Biceps BrachiiBrachioradialis


Trapezius, UpperTrapezius, MiddleLevator ScapulaeObliquesErector SpinaeWrist FlexorsProper Cable Concentration Curls Form
Place a flat bench or seat perpendicular to a cable stack,2-3 feet away. Adjust the pulley to the lowest setting and attach aD-handle to it.Sit down at the end of the bench, with your side to the weight stack.Sit far enough away from the cable apparatus so that the weight stackdoesn't touch down at the bottom of the rep.
Grasp the handle with your inside hand, keeping youroutside leg bent 90 degrees and parallel to the stack. Keep your elbow slightlybent at the bottom so you don't hyperextend the joint.Position yourinside leg out of the way of the cable so it runs underneath your leg.Bend forward at the waist and steady yourself with your opposite hand on your outside leg.Your triceps should be flush against the inside of yourthigh, just as if you were doing a dumbbell concentration curl. This isyour start position.Tighten your abdominal muscles and take a full breath. Remember to start with a breath and breathe out on exertion.Flex your biceps to bring the handle toward your chest in a slow,controlled motion, keeping your upper arm perpendicular to the floorand moving only your elbow joint.Squeeze at the top of the rep for a count of two. If itfeels comfortable, turn your wrist out as you squeeze for a moreintense contraction.Slowly lower the weight in a controlled fashion returning the handle to the start position without moving the upper body.
Keep a slight bend in your elbow at the bottom.Repeat. Cable Concentration Curls Tips 

Unlike the dumbbell version, in which you bring the weight directlyupward, try to drag your hand across the floor before bringing it up.In other words, stay in that lateral plane an inch or two off the flooras long as possible before bringing your hand toward your chest.

Variations to the Cable Concentration Curls

Variations are intended to workdifferent subgroups of muscles, or work the same muscles in slightlydifferent ways. There are plenty of variations to the exercise. Some other variations include; standing cable curl, preacher curl, hammer curl, french curl and include further variation using cables, dumbells, barbells and manual resistance. variations can also be made in regards to hand positioning. Rotating the arm activates different areasof the bicep. 

About Jeff BeharJeff BeharJeff Behar, MS, MBA is a recognized health, fitness and nutrition expert, regularly writing about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, anti aging and alternative medicine. Jeff Behar's work often appears in several of the major health and fitness newsletters, health and fitness magazines, and on  major health, and fitness websites. Jeff Behar is also a well sought after personal trainer, motivational speaker and weight loss expert.  < Prev Next >[ Back ]  Contact Our News Editors For any corrections of factual information, or to contact the editors please use our feedback form.Please send any medical, health, fitness or anti-aging news press releases to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it    Back to Front Page
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