When you see the objective of many of the body building centers, you might find that the goal will be to make the customers to maintain an ideal weight and also to build their muscles. In this type of body building procedures, two main aspects will be corrected.
Exercise and Nutrition Need to Go Hand in Hand
The first one is the exercise routine and the second aspect is the nutritional pattern. When a correct balance is brought out in these two main features, bodybuilding and reducing weight can happen at the same time.
These are considered to be mutually exclusive objectives and it is still not impossible. The hormonal changes in the body while performing exercises or while eating will be taken into consideration. In order to gain weight and develop abs or muscles, weight lifting exercises are performed regularly.
In order to lose weight, fat loss exercises like Cardio or HIT are performed. In this entire system, you will always consume the food items with low carbohydrates and low calories. You will also perform many fat burning workouts.
Weight lifting exercises
These workouts are mainly done in the late afternoon or even in the evening time. In this way, the fat stored in the body throughout the day will be burnt quickly. In this period a diet low in calories is consumed.
There must be six hours of interval in between your sleeping time and exercise schedule. In this 6 hour time duration, you can overfeed yourself. This helps in the synthesis of proteins and glycogen. Thus, once you begin the exercises on the next day evening, you will have enough stored reserves of protein and glycogen.
The fat burning process continues. On the other hand, if you perform weight training early in the morning, your body will become exhausted. This will stop the fat burning action during the remaining part of day. This training can be done for around 3 times in a week and it is done on every two days. These workouts will trigger the anabolic hormone and help in increasing the muscle mass.
Cardio exercises to lose fat
The cardio exercises can be done, around 3 to 6 days in a week. The cardio exercises of long duration are alternated with the short duration cardio exercises. An example of a long duration exercise is to briskly walk on the treadmill for around 40 minutes.
This can be done for 3 times a week and can be performed along with the weight lifting exercises. Sprinting on the treadmill or using the cycling exercise is examples of high intensity exercises or HIT, in short. These HIT must not be done on the same day as the weight lifting exercises. It is done for around 2 times in a week.
Jenny has a personal interest in building the perfect male body which includes both bodybuilding & weight loss for males and writes regularly about this subject. She also wants to dispel another 3 myths that are still being told today by visiting her at www.idealfitnesssystem.com.au
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_H_Jordan
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Jenny H Jordan
Jordan, Jenny H.".".5 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Feb. 2012
Jordan, J. H. (2012, February 5). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Must-Do-Tips-To-Build-Muscle-and-Lose-Weight-Fast&id=6861767Chicago Style Citation:
Jordan, Jenny H. "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Must-Do-Tips-To-Build-Muscle-and-Lose-Weight-Fast&id=6861767EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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