Bodybuilding is the process of maximizing muscle hypertrophy through the combination of weight training, sufficient caloric intake, and rest. One important factor of this "bodybuilding triangle:" weight training is not as simple as it seems. To make the best gains in the shortest amount of time, it is important to understand a basic principle: intensity.
In terms of bodybuilding, What exactly is intensity? Intensity is a feel factor. It is a way of lifting to put out a maximum effort.Many people think they're training intensely, but the sad fact is that most people are not training with intensity. Most people "undertrain" and "overtrain" at the same time. What I mean by this is that they do not train intensely (which I will describe in greater detail later) while at the same time they train too long in the gym without the pump, which actually limits or even impedes their desired results.
Intensity: The Most Important Factor In Bodybuilding
Two guys can do the same exact fitness routine with the exercises,number of sets, and number of reps, yet have two different outcomes.Intensity is what determines success when it comes to maximizing yourgains.
You can increase your intensity by 4 ways:
Increase the number of repsDecrease the rest periodsIncrease the amount of weight you liftIncrease the volume of work (sets)Under each basic principle there are differentapproaches that can be employed. Understanding this will help you reachyour goals quicker. It will also help you break through "plateaus"(performance stagnation).
Intensity Building Techniques
Increase The Number of Reps
The first way to add intensity in my opinion should be addition ofreps. The best way is the X + 3 rule. In this rule you add intensity byadding 1, then 2 and then 3 reps beyond your target rep zone. When youcan perform 3 reps more than the target zone you need to add weights. 5lbs additional plates for major muscle groups and 2.5 lbs for minormuscle groups.
Adding more reps creates my hypertrophy in the muscle which is what isrequired for growth. This is another alternative way to intensify yourworkout. This can be accomplished in a simple approach, such as tryingto get 10 reps vs. 8, or it can be done using advanced techniques suchas:
Forced Reps
Forced reps training is an advanced training method, which is employedat the end of an exercise when you are unable to lift the weight onyour own. At this point a training partner gives a small extra pushwhile providing a spot so that you can overload the muscle by gettingreps that you could not get on your own if you did not have the extrahelp, and a spot.
The moral support and encouragement alone often works and allows thebodybuilder to seek out a few more reps before the force reps are evenemployed. Typically this method is used for 2-3 extra reps, resultingin maximum overload and a great pump. Care should be taken however,because this is the most popular and consequently the most abusedintensity technique. People get hurt, people use it too often andovertrain, people use it with bad form and technique: all recipes fordisaster.
Burns is another advanced technique similar to forced repetitions. Withthis method, you would use a sub-maximal weight that is so light thatyou could still use it to continue to pump and work the muscle afterlactic acid has built up. When you keep working under these conditions,you get a great pump, and a huge burn from the lactic acid build up.
For those of you that may be curious, lactic acid is caused in part, toconstant muscle contraction. It is created when the muscle burns sugars(in whatever form). Normally lactic acid gets squeezed out by normalmuscle movement and lymphatic fluid, into the lymphatic ducts, where itis processed and eliminated from the body. What stops this is constantmuscular tension (such as supersets, giant sets, forced reps).
Lactic Acid
During power-intensive exercises such as sprinting, when the rate ofdemand for energy is high, lactate is produced faster than the abilityof the tissues to remove it and lactate concentration begins to rise.Lactic acid eventually will cause the muscle to tighten and bunch up,and constricts the flow of the lymphatic fluid. Since this cannot helpwash out the lactic acid, it sits there, causing that familiar burningsensation. Probably more than you needed to know, right?
Forced Negatives
This technique focuses on the negative portion of muscle contraction(the eccentric or lowering phase). This principle involves the use of aspotter. To accomplish this technique you would choose a heavier weightand your partner would help you lift the weight and you would slowlycontrol the weight during the downward movement.
For instance if you normally would use 225 pounds for 8 reps on a benchpress, you would instead use 350 pounds and slowly lower the weightafter receiving help lifting it off. Your partner would also assist youwith during the upward pressing movement by pulling the weight off yourchest while you are pressing the weight up.
Another way to accomplish this is using the same 225 pounds that youwould normally use, but your partner would press down on the weight asit goes down for increased resistance, while you tried to resist theweight (slow the weight from approaching your chest). It is importantthat when using this advanced technique that the external force appliedis done in a smooth and careful manner to avoid injury.
The Cheat Method
The Cheat Method is an advanced training technique that is utilizedwhen one can no longer perform a repetition in strict form. It is usedafter performing a number of reps with good form until muscle fatiguebegins to set in (or the weight is too heavy). At the end of a set,when you can't do any more reps with good form, use a bit of body swingor momentum to help get the weight past the sticking point, e.g.swinging the weight up a little at the start of a barbell curl.
By employing this technique you will use surrounding muscle groups toassist in the movement to complete additional reps to complete the set.An example of this technique would be as follows: when doing dumbbellchest presses, if you feel no longer you can do in perfect form, getthe help of your shoulder and back (lat) muscles to assist lifting theweight.
It is key that when performing this technique you still let the majormuscle targeted, to do most of the work. I always used cheat sets verysparingly as I was a stickler for good form, however there is a placein every bodybuilder's arsenal to use this technique occasionally.
Decrease The Rest Between Sets
There are also many techniques available for decreasing the rest between sets. They may include the following:
Drop Sets
Drop Sets, AKA Descending Sets, is the most basic and yet one of thebest techniques to maximize intensity. You begin by reaching failurewith a weight, as soon as you hit failure, lessen the weight, and thencontinue the set until failure is reached again.
Lets say you were to perform triceps pulldowns with a 90-pound stack.If you reached failure at 12 reps, you would strip the weight down to70 pounds and continue. A single drop or descending set is when youlower the weight once. A double drop or descending set is when youlower the weight twice (for instance from 90 - 70, then from 70 - 50pounds).
My favorite exercise is to do a 6 set drop set while doing dumbbellcurls running the stack and doing each set to failure. I might startwith 50 pound curls, then drop to 40 and perform the reps to failure,then immediately pick up the 30 pound dumbbells to failure, thenproceed to do reps with the 25 pound dumbbells until, failure and thenfinish off with 20 pound curls till failure... then work in a few cheatreps! By employing this technique I get 18 sets of arm curls done inabout 12 minutes and am done!
Strip Sets
Strip sets are essentially drop sets. If we want to be technical, itrefers to "stripping" weight from a bar reducing the weight that you'reusing by 10% or so with each succeeding set (where as a drop set can bedone on a machine, using dumbbells, etc.). For example, if you startout with 100 pounds for curls, then on your next set you would do 90pounds and 80 pounds on your subsequent set.
These are done with barbells. Do a set then, without racking the bar,get two spotters to pull off a preset amount of weight. Continue withthat weight. Keep stripping as desired. This will thoroughly burn out amuscle.
A Superset is a technique where two or more exercises are performedback to back. When three exercises are performed in succession it isreferred two as a triset superset. This is another good way to train iftime is limited. Supersetting involves doing two exercises with norest in between.
Supersets can be in two ways. One way is doing two different exercises- for bodybuilding routines - in a row that hit the same muscles. Otherway is doing two exercises - for bodybuilding routines - in a rowhitting two different muscle groups. Supersets work best when targetingopposing muscle groups. Performing them this way allows for a betterpump, as well as more reps.
Multi-exercising is often incorrectly referred to as supersets.Multi-exercise sets are different than supersets. Multi-exercise setsuse different exercises for each set instead of just doing one exercisefor all sets.
With this type of training, you will be able to hit a particular musclein different angles. For example, instead of doing 4 to 6 sets of aparticular exercise for a body part, you would instead do differentexercises for each set each time. For instance for a chest press -instead of 6 sets of flat bench you do one set of barbell flat benchpress, then a set of incline dumbbell presses, followed by a set ofdips, decline flyes and finally cable crossovers. Unlike supersets, youwould have rest periods between sets to enable you to approach each setheavier.
Giant Sets
A giant set is the practice of going from one exercise to another veryquickly. One of the risks with this technique is that the muscle isfatigued so quickly that there is a tremendous loss of efficiency andbenefit. However, by moving from one set to the next relatively quicklyyou can keep the heart rate elevated, and it is a good muscle confusiontechnique when employed periodically. Giant sets, in my opinion, arealso good for conditioning. They should not however the cornerstone ofyour training methods since this type of training when I have littletime to train, and I need to get a quick workout in.
Increase The Weight
Increasing the weight is not for the faint hearted. There are risks.Risks of improper form resulting in injuries. Probably most known foremploying this principle was the late Mike Mentzer, who wrote manyarticles, and wrote books and developed audio tapes about what hecoined his "Heavy Duty Training Principle".
His approach became extremely popular among bodybuilders especiallyafter Mentzer won the 1978 IFBB Mr. Universe contest in which he wasthe first bodybuilder ever to receive a perfect 300 score from thejudges.Mentzer's system was based on the principle of "intensity" asemphasized by Arthur Jones. So as not to overtrain, Mentzer's systemwas based on a limited amount of sets with adequate rest in between(4-8 days in between each workout).
Increase The Number Of Sets
Increasing the overall volume of work, by either increasing the numberof sets per exercise or increasing the number of exercise per bodypart, which results in a greater number of overall sets as well, isalso another way to increase intensity, especially if the overall workvolume is completed in the same amount of time that less volume hadbeen completed in,
Other Advanced Techniques To Increase Training Intensity
Pre-Exhaust Method
This method is one of my favorites, so that I can reduce the weight abit and reduce the stress on my joints while maintaining the force onthe muscle.
The pre-exhaust method is typically done by performing an isolationmovement first - like leg extensions - followed by a compound movement- such as the leg press, which works more than one joint. The principleis that on the second exercise, the muscle can be pushed into the rangeof failure very quickly by first employing the pre-exhaust method.
Partial Reps
Partial rep technique is simply moving the weight through a partialrange of motion (usually, but not necessarily, the strongest range ofmotion of the exercise, e.g. the top 6 inches of the bench press). Thisallows much more weight to be used. The technique is often performed atthe end of an exercise when you do not have the energy to complete fullreps. Partial repetitions are good for eking out a little bit more outof the exercise. My favorite exercise is the squats. As I lift veryheavy weights during squats I find it difficult after 4-5 reps, I thendo partial reps thereby recruiting those muscle fibers, which are notyet fully tired.
Deep Reps
Deep reps are done to recruit additional muscle fibers. A simpleillustration would be squatting slightly passed parallel, performingdeep dips, or doing chair pushups for a deep stretch. It is importantthat proper care is employed, and proper warming up is done, so not tooverstretch or tear a muscle.
Slow Negatives
Slow negatives is a technique that is slightly different from StaticTraining in that it is typically used at the end of a set when yourmuscles are failing but you want to get more out of the set in order todrive it into the critical "growth phase."
How it is performed is that you simply slow down the eccentric portionof the exercise (the eccentric portion of the exercise is the portionin which the muscle is lengthening under tension). To illustrate thispoint, if you were to do a slow negative with a barbell curl, you wouldslow the rep as you lower the bar towards your upper thigh; wouldconstitute the negative or eccentric portion of the exercise.
A simple approach is to perform the eccentric movement taking 4seconds, while taking 2 seconds during the concentric movement (in thecase of a barbell curl the concentric movement would be the positivepart of the exercise - the action of raising the bar towards yourshoulders).
With this method, it is common to also employ the Cheat Principleduring the concentric movement to maximize the amount of weight andnumber of reps that can be performed. This technique in my opinion isvery effective and can be used at any time - even when training alone.
Static Training
Static training is an advanced training technique designed to generatehigh intensity by maximizing weight while minimizing hold times. Howthis is done is by holding on to the muscle's particular position foran extended amount of time (typically five to fifteen seconds) to givethe muscle a new way of training and experience a different load.
This technique in my opinion is very effective because when usedsparingly provides the muscle with a force not typically employed, andas such it can also employ the recruitment of additional supportingmuscle fibers. It is also a favorite of mine because it can increaseintensity on the muscle without having to add a lot of additionalweight, which can pose strain on the joints. Another good benefit isthat it can be used at any time - even when training alone.
Speed Varying
This technique involves changing the speed that you perform the reps,while maintaining proper form. Often utilizing quick explosivemovements at the point of force. Then employing slower static trainingmethods during the negative (downward) rep.
Stretch and properly warm up to reduce the chances of injury.Stretching FOLLOWING an intense workout is just as, if not moreimportant than stretching before the workout to reduce chances ofinjury, and to increase recovery.
Feed the Fire. Ensure that you get enough calories and propernutrition, supplementing vitamins and minerals when needed. Failure todo so can result in overtraining, and as a minimum will limit yourgrowth.
Ensure that you get enough rest. Your muscles don't grow whenthey are being worked; they grow only when they are at rest. If yougive recovery time for the muscles, they will become bigger andstronger. Getting enough rest will also help prevent overtraining. Ifyou are not giving time for recovery, the muscles remain the same andthere will be no growth in the muscle.
Be aware of signs of overtraining. Symptoms of overtraininginclude lethargy (tiredness), aches, pains for extended periods oftime, reduced strength, reduced stamina and reduced immunity. If youexperience these symptoms, stop working out, take rest and start backwith a new routine.
Hydrate. Water is also the most abundant nutrient in the body,not to mention the most important. It is the most critical nutrient forhealth, growth, and development. In order to move muscle, you needwater. Muscle is considered an active tissue and water is found in thehighest concentrations in active tissue. Although water does notprovide energy in the same way carbohydrates and fat do, it plays avery important role in energy transformation. Water is the medium inwhich all energy reactions take place. Therefore, you need to drink alot of water for health, stamina, fuel, and building muscle. Failureto hydrate will diminish your performance in the gym. It will result indecreased strength, decreased endurance, potential cramping and more. Also of importance, most lethargy is caused by dehydration. Instead ofrunning for that red bull that will leave you crashed after the initial"high" try drinking enough water. You will be amazed at the differencein your overall energy levels. Remember, if you get thirsty, you arealready in dehydration mode. Solution: drink at least 16 ounces beforeand immediately after your work out, and also try to drink water duringas well.
It’s also essential that you drink water forhealth and building muscle. Without it, muscle strength, control andstamina are all weakened which will reduce your ability to buildmuscle. Drinking water is important because it helps bring nutrients tothe muscles and helps pass toxins from your body. Water also helps outwith the lubrication of your joints. Water is an ingredient in themakeup of the synovial fluid, which is the lubricating fluid betweenyour joints. If your weight lifting diet is lacking in water, even fora brief period, less fluid is available to protect these areas.
Remember, if you are employing the advancedlifting techniques discussed above by adding more weight, more reps,and more sets (and thus more stress to your body), the demands fromweight lifting on the joints will increase. Adequate water intake isimperative to support the protective fluid needed for optimumperformance and to maintain normal healthy joints.
Conclusion about Intensity
When you increased the intensity of your workouts you will not only seebetter strength, tone, and muscle size gains, but you find yourselfeven more dedicated to your bodybuilding workout. Increase theintensity and you will undoubtedly reap the rewards from your efforts.
It is important, however, to remember that high intensity workouts canresult in central nervous system overload. Therefore in my opinion,high-intensity exercise is effective for workouts of short durationonly.
With a long workout, high-intensity training results in overtrainingand central nervous system burnout. One way to avoid this is to performa high intensity workout for just one body part at a time, and if yourtraining calls for two body parts to be trained, that the other bodypart be trained in a more traditional manner.
Employ the intensity principles in a smart and consistent manner, getthe proper amounts of rest, fuel your body correctly with theproper nutrients, supplements, and water and you will be surprised howquickly your efforts will pay off!
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