Thursday, February 23, 2012

Core Exercises for a Youthful Butt

E-mail Written by Jeff Behar, MS, MBA  The butt is among the most commonareas of the body that both men and women would like to shapely_buttshape up, especially as they age.

Having firm and round butt is considered by both sexes as a greatphysical asset and also an image of sexiness and youth.

Do you have this feeling that your butt is becomingugly-looking and you want to do something to bring it back its formernice shape?

There are many exercises you can do at home and in the gym in order to shape and firm itup once again. Here are a few of the top exercises for getting your "bum" back into its youthful shape:

Squats - 1. Position your feet flat on thefloor, about shoulder width apart (toes slightly turned out) 2. Keepthe abdominals tight and the lower back straight and your head up. 3.If you wish you can hold onto something to give you some support, i.e.a desk. 4. Slowly descend until the thighs are parallel to the floor,hold for a second, then push back up to the starting position 5.Maintain the body in an upright position and avoid leaning forward. 6.Always inhale your breath on the way down, and exhale as you stand up. Pigeon Squats - 1. Position your feet flat onthe floor, about s6 inches apart (toes slightly turned in) 2. Keep theabdominals tight and the lower back straight and your head up. 3. Ifyou wish you can hold onto something to give you some support, i.e. adesk. 4. Slowly descend until the thighs are parallel to the floor,hold for a second, then push back up to the starting position 5.Maintain the body in an upright position and avoid leaning forward. 6.Always inhale your breath on the way down, and exhale as you stand up.Lunges (Wide Stance) - 1. Begin by standingstraight, then step forward with one foot, leaving the other back. 2.Both feet should be directed straight with the toes facing forward.Take a large step. 3. Lower your back knee almost to the floor, andrise up again, concentrating on squeezing your buttocks to pushyourself up 4. Maintain your body in an upright position and avoidleaning forward. 5. Repeat this action to perform several repetitions,then again with the opposite foot forward. Lunges (Narrow Stance) - 1. Begin by standing straight, then stepforward with one foot, leaving the other back. 2. Both feet should bedirected straight with the toes facing forward, heels no more than 4inches apart. Take a half step. 3. Lower your back knee almost to thefloor, and rise up again, concentrating on squeezing your buttocks topush yourself up 4. Maintain your body in an upright position and avoidleaning forward. 5. Repeat this action to perform several repetitions,then again with the opposite foot forward. 6. Make sure there is nottoo great a distance between your feet. Do not allow your front knee togo forward beyond your toes as you come down, and stop where your feelcomfortable.Single-Leg Lunge - This exercise targets theGlutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, and Core. 1. Stand in a lunge with leftfoot in front, knees bent and left thigh parallel to floor. 2. Leanforward from hip, then straighten left leg, extending right leg behindyou 45 degrees. 3. Return to start. 4. Complete 10 - 20 reps on eachleg.
Step Ups - 1. Stand just in front of the step, with your feet aboutshoulder-width apart. You can place your arms down by your sides or onyour hips, whichever is more comfortable. 2. Step up onto the step withone leg in a steady and controlled motion, pulling you up onto thestep. 3. Pause momentarily with both feet up on the step 4. Step downoff the step with your opposite foot and then follow with the otherfoot, returning to the starting position. 5. Repeat this action,alternating the leading leg each time. 6. Repeat for a total of 10 to20 times per leg. Calf Raises - 1. Stand with your toes of one leg on the edge of a step(your other leg should be up, feet back against buttocks. 2. Push upwith your toes and get a full extension in a controlled motion. 3.Pause momentarily. 4. Lower back to the stating position. 5. Repeatthis action for a total of 10 to 20 times per leg.

If you do not have access to weights or a gym, you can also implement some activities and movements that can also help shape up your butt. These include: 

Butt Squeezing. If you are working in aplace where you will have no choice but sit a lot, you can do thesimple butt squeezing exercise from time to time. Just squeeze thatmuscle for 15 minutes or longer. Whenever you do that, push your heelsagainst the floor so that you will be able to produce more force.Taking the Stairs. Ifyour home or office is located on a higher floor, why not take thestairs instead of using the lift? This simple change in your daily routine can help change yourbutt area. You will achieve sexier butt faster; plus, you will havemore energy in your body.Walking. Walking should be a part of your dailyactivities. If you can maintain this activity for at least 30 minutes aday, your butt will be firmer and your stamina will improve as well.Jogging. Thisis a good alternative to walking. To make your pace faster meansburning your fats faster. Hiking. Hilking, like taking the stairs can firm and tone your but, increase your stamina and help burn more calories; all conducive to better health and getting you into better shape. About Jeff BeharJeff Behar, MS, MBA is a recognized health, fitness and nutrition expert, regularly writing about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, anti aging and alternative medicine. Jeff Behar's work often appears in several of the major health and fitness newsletters, health and fitness magazines, and on  major health, and fitness websites. Jeff Behar is also a well sought after personal trainer, motivational speaker and weight loss expert.  < Prev Next >[ Back ]  Contact Our News Editors For any corrections of factual information, or to contact the editors please use our feedback form.Please send any medical, health, fitness or anti-aging news press releases to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it    Back to Front Page
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