I would like to share with you guys the following exercises I believe are crucial to your trap workouts. The trapezius muscle group is located in the upper middle section of your back. It has many purposes but the most visible region of this muscle is from the neck to on top of the shoulder providing support for your arm.
One of the ultimate should be the Deadlift. Although a deadlift only provides a short range of motion on the trapezius, it is a massive stabilizer. Your shoulders would be ripped out of their sockets during the immense loads of a deadlift if they were not being worked. Have you ever seen a powerlifter with tiny traps?
Dumbbell or barbell shrugs are another ideal exercise, they will give you a full range of motion and provide excellent muscle stimulation. When you are shrugging you are basically lifting your shoulders as if you were unsure of a question. This exercise is very common and I would definitely add it to your trap workouts.
I see a lot of people talking about upright rows as a perfect exercise for your traps. The answer is they are, although they have been linked with a lot of shoulder issues over time. In order to get any benefit out of an upright row, the bar must be raised above your chest towards your chin. When you do this with weights, a tiny tendon in your shoulder will be pinched (known as impingement) by the bones in the shoulder. Over time you may not even notice this as an issue until your tendon snaps due to excessive wear. This movement is very dangerous and I believe that other exercises such as deadlifts and shrugs are not as detrimental on your shoulders.
I personally incorporate these exercises into my days I train back. That way I am already doing deadlifts and I can finish off the 45 minute back routine at the end with 3 sets of dumbbell/barbell shrugs. If your not using the deadlift in your back routine then you could also add these 2 exercises in on your leg day as deadlifts are great for your hamstrings as well.
As I said earlier these are not the only exercises you could use for your trap workouts but I believe them to be the most effective, while maintaining a level of safety in order to keep you in the gym longer!
If you need some inspiration to get you started you should head over to our motivation section which details a lot of before and after transformations from everyday guys, feel free to leave any comments or questions regarding your trap workouts.
More muscle building info @ swolemuscle.com - bodybuilding blog
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Adam L Harrison
Harrison, Adam L.".".17 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012
Harrison, A. L. (2012, January 17). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Exercises-for-Your-Trap-Workouts&id=6821631Chicago Style Citation:
Harrison, Adam L. "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Exercises-for-Your-Trap-Workouts&id=6821631EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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