Saturday, February 4, 2012

Muscle Development And Its Parts

ByJonathan Yeo

Expert Author Jonathan Yeo

The idea behind enhancing muscle mass growth...

You could simply define muscle growth as your body answering back to the stress of weight training by saying, 'That pushed me a lot. I should think of a way to make it a bit easier next time'

This is due to the microscopic tears being created in your muscles during weight training, with your body reacting to the 'micro trauma' experienced by the muscle cells through overcompensating by adding more muscle tissue instead of just fixing damaged ones. Through this, your muscles increase in size and strength, and this reduces the risk of future injury. This will allow you to add weight to your lifts gradually, as your muscles could efficiently handle stress that they've been exposed to.

This damage to your muscle fibers is believed to cause the stiffness and soreness you experience in your muscles during the days following an intense workout, which is called DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness. For this reason, you should leave a 48-hour gap in between sessions focusing on building the same group of muscles. Working out immediately before your muscles could have a chance to repair and rebuild themselves may render your training less effective and increases the chances of muscle injury.

Muscle Anatomy

Here's what comprises your muscles.

Muscles mainly consist of packs of fibers covered in protective sheaths known as fascia, which are then collectively bundled, with the largest bundle being the muscle itself. Following are the long, single-celled muscle fibers called fascicles. These muscle fibers are divided into myofibrils, which are subdivided into packages of myofilaments, which consist of series of sarcomeres.

A film of connective tissue enveloping the whole muscle.

A film of connective tissue encasing the muscle fibers and holding capillaries (small blood vessels) and nerves.

A film of connective tissue packaged together ranging from tens to hundreds of single muscle fibers into fascicles.

A cluster of singular muscle fibers.

The tiniest bundles of muscle fibers.

Single muscle fibers are categorized into two primary types: type 1 (slow-twitch), which is more efficient to endurance training since they experience fatigue slowly; and type 2 (fast-twitch), which are more efficient to fast and intense moves and experience fatigue quickly.

Blood vessels, which are part of the circulatory system, are classified in three types: the arteries, which carry oxygenated blood away from the heart, the veins, which deliver deoxygenated blood towards the heart; and the capillaries, which allows waste and nutrient exchange between the tissues and blood.

Tough connective tissue joining the muscles to the bone.

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Jonathan Yeo

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Yeo, Jonathan".".16 Jan. Jan. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Yeo, J. (2012, January 16). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from­Development-­And-­Its-­Parts&id=6819135Chicago Style Citation:
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