Friday, February 17, 2012

Making Mothers Proud By Freecycling

ByMel Davey

Expert Author Mel Davey

Of all the people who practice freecycling, mothers like to do them the most. Perhaps, this is an expected phenomenon, as moms are generally thrifty and will milk everything for what it is worth. Freecycling or more specifically known as free recycling is a global movement from various sectors of society than encourage consumers to stop their materialistic tendencies of throwing away stuff before they are absolutely useless. This is similar to the hand me down system that most children have probably experienced in one way or another, especially is the family is running on a tight budget. To the movement, the alternative to this attitude is to give the things to a re-selling agency or a charitable institution. The main principle behind this activity is to lessen the spaces that go to things that are not fully garbage in nature. For starters, imagine thousands of people throwing away an item just because they did not want it anymore even if it still works. What happens is that landfills are immediately full, and to free some space, most local government units burn garbage in order to create more places where trash can be thrown.

See, an attitude of materialistic consumerism does not just hurt state efforts to go green as it has more tangible and realistic harms to the environment because of the toxic wastes that come with burning things. It is safe to assume, then, that this activity affects more than the individual but the whole world as well. When people choose to bring their unwanted stuff such as laptops, mobile phones, and other gadgets to shops that will refurbish them, they can get an ample amount of money to compensate them from doing the responsible decision that they just made. This practice is commonly practiced in the United Kingdom where mobile companies set up re-selling shops as part of their corporate social responsibility programs because it lessens their company's contribution to the environmental damage because of the improper disposal of their products, especially those that use lithium batteries.

Finally, people can opt to donate things to charitable institutions that can run on low technology in order to survive. The principle of "one man's garbage is another man's treasure" holds much water in this activity. Today, mothers will be prouder more than ever as freecycling enthusiasts come from different walks of life proving that nobody is too young or old to make this world a better place.

The author has spent a lot of time learning about freecycling and other related topics. Read more about Mothers Like at the author's website.

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Davey, Mel".".11 Jan. Jan. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Davey, M. (2012, January 11). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from­Mothers-­Proud-­By-­Freecycling&id=6811278Chicago Style Citation:
Davey, Mel "."­Mothers-­Proud-­By-­Freecycling&© 2012
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