Monday, February 20, 2012

Hot Yoga for Great Health and Wellness

E-mail Written by Administrator  hot_yogaHot Yoga is a series of yoga poses done in a heated room. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees.

As you can imagine, a vigorous yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating which rids the body of toxins. Hot Yoga also makes the body very warm, and therefore more flexible. Moksha Yoga is a form of Hot Yoga that is more well known today.

 Hot Moksha Yoga

Hot Moksha Yoga is a form of hot yoga that is ideal for the yogabeginner as well as the seasoned practitioner. Hot Moksha yoga is aseries of traditional yoga postures created for practice in a heatedroom. The series of postures taught in hot moksha yoga is a cardiovascular workout. It incorporates many challenging postures that sustain an elevated heart rate. It strengthens, tones, and stretches the muscles while calming the mind and reducing stress. The heated room allows tighter muscles to stretch with greater ease. All Hot Yoga classes follow a basic structure that is fundamental to the Moksha Yoga practice.

Health Benefits of Hot Moksha Yoga

Health benefits of Hot Moksha Yoga include but are not limited to:

Reduces stress. Hot Moksha Yoga's deep breathing exercises brings calming effect that reduces stress.  Alleviates/Improves Depression. Hot Yoga also helps alleviate depression.Inaddition to melatonin, the pineal gland also controls the release ofserotonin, the "mood" hormone. As certain postures flush the pinealgland with oxygenated blood its function improves and emotional highsand low begin to even out.Improves Arthritis.The 'hot' element of the hot yoga class is what has the most dramatic affect on arthritis sufferers. Reduces Back/Knee Pain.The heat in a Moksha Yoga class relaxes the joints. Also Hot MokshaYoga focuses on opening the hips where knee and back pain oftenoriginate. Reduces and/or Alleviates Headaches.Many postures in the Moksha Yoga sequence relieve tension and tightnessin the neck and shoulder area. As this area relaxes, blood flowincreases and headaches often decrease or go away entirely. Reduces/Improves Insomnia.Several postures focus on increasing blood flow through the pinealgland where melatonin, the hormone released to induce deep sleep, isreleased. Reduces Digestive Problems.  With regularpractice many Hot Moksha Yoga  students find that they don't crave junkfood as much. This inclination towards a healthier diet, coupled withcalming the nervous system, helps with long-term digestive issues. HotMoksha Yoga also can help improve symptoms from common digestivedisorders such as irritable bowel disorder (IBS).Reduces Constipation. Relaxing the central nervous system by focusing on breathing increasesa process called peristalsis. Peristalsis moves processed food throughthe digestive system and out of the body. Certain postures increaseblood flow to the colon, further aiding the digestive process. Improves Poor Posture. With regular Moksha Yoga classes the spine gets stronger and studentsnotice that it is actually more comfortable to sit and stand straight. Improves Scoliosis.The work on stretching and strengthening the spine has a dramaticeffect on those working with a spinal curvature. Hot Moksha Yoga helpsease pain and the strength in the internal muscle structure of the backimproves which starts to allow for great ease in movement and betterposture. Reduces Body Fat. Hot Moksha Yoga reduces fat due to excess heat.  You will loose up to 1000 calories per session.Improves your Sense of Well Being. Hot Moksha Yoga helps increase your energy and improve your overall sense of well being.Hot Moksha Yoga LimitationsPleaseconsult your doctor about being in a heated environment before startingany yoga program. Hot Moksha Yoga is great for most people, however itis contraindicated under the following circumstances: Pregnancy. Women in their first trimester ofpregnancy, unless they have kept up a regular hot moksha yoga practicefor at least 6 months, are recommended to stay out of the heated room.  Heart Disease. Those suffering from severe heart disease that limits cardiovascular activity.Children.It is best that hot yoga is practiced only after the child's sweatglands have developed - usually around a girl's first menstruation or aboy's growth spurt.
Hot Moksha Yoga TipsIt is essential to have your own yoga mat when doing Hot Yoga since you will be sweating so much. Students tend to wear very little clothing for the same reason. Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after class so you don't get dehydrated. It is not advisable to eat during the two hours before class.  < Prev Next >[ Back ]  Contact Our News Editors For any corrections of factual information, or to contact the editors please use our feedback form.Please send any medical, health, fitness or anti-aging news press releases to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it    Back to Front Page
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