There are certain six pack abs secrets that your gym instructor may not want you to know about. This is because if you know what they are of course you won't need to employ them to help you get the body you've always wanted.
However if you want to get a great looking set of abs quicker then don't hesitate to use the six pack abs secrets we offer below.
Secret 1 - Perform Bicycle Crunches
These are similar to the conventional types of crunches your gym instructor will have you doing but include one more action for you to perform. When you do this type of exercise you need to make sure that as you do the conventional crunch you touch your right knee with your left elbow and vice versa. Performing this exercise not only helps you to lose weight but also helps to tone up the abdominal muscles much more effectively.
Secret 2 - Eat More Wholesome Fats
You may be wondering what is so special about this one of the six pack abs secrets we offer. Well by eating what are known as healthy fats you will find that you don't feel hungry as often. You should include in your diet plenty of nuts, eggs and avocados as all contain high amounts of wholesome fats in them and which will help in suppressing your appetite for longer. Of course you still need to be careful and make sure that you don't consume too many calories each day.
Secret 3 - Avoid Low Fat Ready Meals
There are plenty of such meals now available, but they can actually be very detrimental to what you are trying to achieve. The problem is that these foods are highly processed and will contain large amounts of refined sugars in them. Unfortunately refined sugar will only help your body to store fat more easily rather than burn it off. Instead you are far better off making meals from fresh ingredients, so ensuring that you are getting the right kinds of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that your body needs to function properly.
Secret 4 - Don't Spend All Your Time Working On Your Stomach Muscles
When working out you shouldn't rely solely on exercises that are designed to improve the stomach muscles. In fact one of the most important six pack abs secrets you may not have heard about is that you need to do exercises that work every part of the body.
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Paul Stephen Nicholls
Nicholls, Paul S.".".14 Jan. Jan. 2012
Nicholls, P. S. (2012, January 14). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from Style Citation:
Nicholls, Paul S. "."© 2012
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