You see it all the time in gyms-there are two groups of people.
One group believes that the best way to get six pack abs is to do thousands of reps.
The exercise does not matter; they simply pound away until they have done hundreds, maybe even a thousand reps.
They reason that doing a ton of reps will help them get that washboard stomach they are after.
The other group thinks that doing hundreds of reps is nothing more than a joke.
After all once you can do say twenty reps of a certain exercise-the only way to get the body, or body part if you will, to respond is to add weight to the exercise.
They reason that since the abs are a muscle just like the biceps or shoulders-adding weight is the right thing to do.
Actually they are both right-to a point.
Let me explain.
When you do hundreds or even a thousand reps of certain exercise you are working the muscle-but I question the effort that is being put out on each rep.
Are these reps-if you can call them that-done in sloppy fashion--or in a slow and controlled manner?
I would bet that a lot of these reps are, well, just the token kind-like the trainer who goes down two or three inches in the squat with a ton of weight and then boasts about what a great squatter he is.
To me all trainers would be better off focusing on doing ten to twenty solid reps-reps that are done in a slow and controlled manner.
For those who feel that adding weight to ab exercises is the way to go-again they are right-to a point.
To me it all depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you want a small, tight and slim stomach, sticking to doing body weight only exercises in good form is the way to go-and when you do the exercises right with no jerking or cheating you will be surprised at how few reps you need to start "feeling it."
However, if you want a more muscular waistline-and do not care if the size of your waist increases-add extra weight to your abdominal exercises.
I do not mean to belabor this point, but just be aware that the abs are like any other muscle group-they will grow thicker when they are continually stressed more and more by the adding of weight to the exercise or exercises.
So you may end up with a more muscular waist-but you may also have the added inches on your waist to prove it as well.
Both approaches presented in this article will get you a six pack-now it is up to you to decide what kind of stomach you want.
The sleek sexy kind or the thicker more muscular kind.
Either way-happy training!
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Eric Duval
Duval, Eric".".21 Feb. Feb. 2012
Duval, E. (2012, February 21). . Retrieved February 22, 2012, from Style Citation:
Duval, Eric "."© 2012
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