The advertisements all show a "before picture" of an overweight slob followed by an "after picture" of the same person with shredded abs where seemingly all of his fat turned into muscle. These advertisements are usually produced by someone who wants to sell you something. What the pictures fail to show is all the work that it took to get from Stage A to Stage B, or more accurately from Stage A to Stage Z.
Many beginners, even though they don't consciously believe it, but subconsciously they have hope that after one time in the gym, or maybe two times, they will come out with a beach body ready to be surrounded by his three girlfriends. It's not like that, it takes a lot of work and determination.
It's very good to get into shape, good for you and good for your loved ones. It is healthier to be in shape and to be rid of unwanted fat and to have a strong heart. Extra fat is a risk factor for several major league diseases you don't want.
Bodybuilding is accomplished through weight lifting, cardio, nutrition, and motivation. I'm not going to talk much about motivation in this series of articles, despite that motivation is the mover of everything. You can't sustain any major project without unending motivation. It can be said that it is not that your fat that turns into muscle, rather your fat is melted away, it is your motivation that is turned into muscle.
In this article I will start with weightlifting. There are a few classic mistakes that you have to watch out for when starting a weightlifting regimen. The first two come from the same root, the desire to get to the end, six-pack abs, without doing the necessary work:
Mistake #1: Start light.
You will hurt yourself if you try too much too fast too early. This is counterproductive, damaging muscles is not conducive to building muscles. The accepted recommendation is to start with weights that you can lift easily some 15 to 20 times. Do between 8 to 12 repetitions per set during these two weeks. This will allow your body to get used to lifting weights, and then after those two weeks you can start increasing your weights.
Mistake #2: Don't look at what the next guy is doing.
It is natural to compare what you are doing to what others are doing. This is true in all corners of the gym, from lifting weights to running or walking on the treadmill. You can fall into the trap of justifying the comparison by saying to yourself, "they told me to take it easy in the beginning, but look how much he is doing! Maybe I am being too easy on myself." Don't fall for this trick of your mind, everyone has his own body, his own strengths and constraints. You have to do what's right for you, and if today you are looking at the next guy, tomorrow the next guy will be looking at you. Be yourself.
Mistake #3: Balance your exercise to reach all of your muscles.
You have an upper part of the body and a lower part of the body. Make sure that you are working both. One day you can work on the upper half, another day the lower half. You should try to be sure to do the heavy lifts each week, like the bench press, shoulder press, leg press, squats, rows, and the deadlift.
Bottom line, realize that bodybuilding is a long-term project which you can and will make it to the end, but not from today till tomorrow. You don't want to shoot yourself in the proverbial foot and do things which are counter-productive.
To discover more mistakes that you don't want to make, please sign up for my free email course at Fitness Guru Tips.
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Ron C. White
White, Ron C.".".26 Feb. Mar. 2012
White, R. C. (2012, February 26). . Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Style Citation:
White, Ron C. "."© 2012
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