There are 2 groups that an exercise can fall into, compound exercises, or isolation exercises. Both of these types of exercises can serve several different purposes, and that will depend on a person's body and what your personal fitness goals are.
A compound exercise can be summed up as any exercise that involves multiple muscle groups at one time. Usually during a compound exercise, for example a push-up, the chest is the main muscle group that bears most the effort and energy, while the biceps, triceps, and shoulders also receive some effect of the exercise. A major muscle group normally takes the brunt of the force, while other secondary muscles also receive some work. Any exercise that involves some pushing, pulling, squatting, and deadlifting, will work multiple muscle groups at one time. When a person uses a compound exercise as one of their choice exercises, they burn off many more calories than a person who is only working one muscle group at a time. Just remind yourself during your workout that multiple muscle groups means more calories burned, and a higher heart rate. Overall, more force and strength are required during effective compound exercises. If your personal fitness goal is to burn calories, burn fat, or lose any amount of weight, my recommendation is using nothing but compound exercises.
Isolation exercises are summed up as any exercise that works just one major muscle group. A great example of an isolation exercise would be calf raises. During calf raises, your calf muscle is the only muscle group being affected by the exercise. Yes this will be a great choice if you want to build stronger calf muscles, but unfortunately if your goal is to lose weight, or burn fat, your efforts will come up short. An isolation exercise is great for producing strength and muscle build in certain areas of the body, but if your daily calorie intake isn't being monitored, then chances are that you won't be achieving your fitness goals. When you burn off fewer calories during your workout, and achieve a sub par heart rate, then your eating habits have to be much more disciplined. I'm not telling you that you shouldn't ever choose isolation exercises, but you have less room for error with your diet if your workouts are more intense.
In Conclusion, whether you choose Compound exercises or Isolation exercises for your personal workouts, is completely up to you. Always keep in mind what you're trying to achieve, and be intentional with your efforts. Please stay consistent with your workouts, and always make a slight change with your routine when you sense that your body isn't going through any changes.
My name is Pierce Calloway, and I've been a personal trainer and Christian for the past 13 years. My overall goal and reason to stay involved with the fitness industry, is so I can try to deliver the love of Jesus Christ to everyone I come into contact with. My online fitness store can be found out, it will show you some great equipment that will aid you no matter what your fitness goals are, and share with you a little bit more about myself. The website is a work in progress, so please give me suggestions of products or other ideas that you think would spice it up.
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Pierce Calloway
Calloway, Pierce".".27 Feb. Mar. 2012
Calloway, P. (2012, February 27). . Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Style Citation:
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