Monday, March 19, 2012

Top 5 Classic Bodybuilding Exercises

ByRex F Wheeler

There are a few exercises that have stood the test of time and made numerous men and women famous and rich. Athletes, bodybuilders, models and even Hollywood actors have used these exercises for a very long time and they have worked wonders for them. They will work for you too but you MUST use them in your workouts. To truly build substantial muscle, you need to use less machines and more free weights if possible. Machines have their place, don't get me wrong. But the old school, time tested exercises are perfect for overall mass development.

Barbell Squat - Whether it's the front squat or the back squat, when it comes to overall mass development, the squat is virtually unsurpassed. Since you recruit so many different muscles throughout the movement, it is quite literally the king for overall mass gain. There is much controversy on whether you must squat parallel or even lower. I have trained with Olympic weightlifters who squat all the way to the ground and they have never as much as hinted at any knee problems. So there you go.

Romanian Deadlift - The famed deadlift is a devil of an exercise which I truly despise. It is one of the most physically demanding exercises I ever have to perform but I cannot deny its effectiveness. The deadlift is primarily a lower back exercise and it's responsible for creating that deep ridge in the middle of the your back (median furrow) that makes it appear thicker.

Clean & Jerk/Clean & Press - This is another excellent overall mass builder. unfortunately, just like the deadlift, it is equally if not even more physically demanding. It is an excellent builder of the traps, shoulders, legs and core. The technique is very difficult to master, often requiring months of tuition before you're able to execute it properly. Your best bet is to join an Olympic weightlifting club and learn from them.

Bench press - The traditional bench press is probably the most popular body building exercises around. It's also an ego boost to be able to bench press a ridiculous amount of weight. However, the smarter ones will know that the bench press was really intended to build the chest and so using moderately heavy weight is ideal for more rapid muscle development. The beauty of the bench press is that you are able to adjust the angle of the bench to work on different parts of your chest.

Bent Over Row - A classic back exercise, the bent over row is the bread and butter exercise for anyone looking to thicken the back area. It's also a dangerous exercise that leaves your back in a vulnerable position. Unfortunately, it has been responsible for just about all the back problems I have had in the past so I now avoid it like a snail does salt. Either way, its efficacy cannot be doubted. It's absolutely brilliant for back development.

For more on specific muscle groups like latissimus dorsi exercises visit our website. We also have a wealth of other information on muscle building.

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Rex F Wheeler

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MLA Style Citation:
Wheeler, Rex F.".".11 Mar. Mar. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Wheeler, R. F. (2012, March 11). . Retrieved March 14, 2012, from­5-­Classic-­Bodybuilding-­Exercises&id=6932428Chicago Style Citation:
Wheeler, Rex F. "."­5-­Classic-­Bodybuilding-­Exercises&© 2012
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