Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Case Against Lean Protein

ByMatt Marshall

Expert Author Matt Marshall

If you want to build muscle, burn fat and get in great shape then you no doubt have heard that you should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and of course lean protein.

But in this article, I'll reveal why eating lean protein could actually make you fatter, sicker and weaker and how you can benefit by eating fatty protein sources.

Lean protein is unnatural:

Consider this: If you were dropped out of plan into the middle of the woods and left to fend for yourself, what would you eat?

Well, you'd probably sustain yourself for a few days on leafs and berries, but to survive you'd need to find a better source of energy or calories. You'd need to get yourself some meat.

So you'd fashion yourself a spear and set out to make a kill. With any luck, you'd nab a bird, a badger or maybe even a deer. And the first thing you'd eat? The fattiest parts of the animal!

It's true. Anthropologists have shown that our ancient ancestors prized the liver, the heart and other fatty organs from their hunting successes. Our ancient ancestors would even suck the marrow --which is fat -- from the bones.

They did this because the fat from the animal contains the minerals and nutrients necessary to sustain life. So if our ancient ancestors prized fat, why have we been told to search out lean protein?

Lean protein can even make you sick:

If you eat too much lean protein without enough fat, you'll almost immediately feel the effects. You'll have no energy, a constant headache and perhaps even a bout of diarrhea.

This is called "rabbit starvation" and it's a phenomenon brought about by eating too much lean protein and not enough fat. Luckily, this situation reverses itself soon after ingesting some dietary fat.

Fat provides energy and a feeling of fullness.

Everyone has had the experience of eating a huge meal only to be hungry an hour later. When that happens, it's because you did not consume enough fat. If you eat a meal of boneless, skinless chicken breasts it's quite common to be hungry within the hour.

But if you eat a large T-bone steak and vegetables slathered in butter, you'll have long lasting energy and you won't feel hungry for hours.

Fat provides crucial vitamins and minerals.

Fat is high in vitamins A and D -- important vitamins for anyone concerned with building muscle mass or burning body fat. And if you consume only lean protein, you're probably missing out on these important vitamins.

So there you have it: If you want to build muscle, burn fat and achieve optimal health then perhaps it's time you ditch the lean protein and increase your intake of dietary fat.

Matt Marshall is the author of the Tried and True Fitness blog - a site that reveals time-tested methods for building muscle, burning fat and achieving optimum health.

To sign up for his free report, visit

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Matt Marshall

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Marshall, Matt".".6 Mar. Mar. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Marshall, M. (2012, March 6). . Retrieved March 8, 2012, from­Case-­Against-­Lean-­Protein&id=6923325Chicago Style Citation:
Marshall, Matt "."­Case-­Against-­Lean-­Protein&© 2012
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