Testosterone is a hormone which is present in many processes of our body. Among these processes testosterone is the responsible of increasing muscle mass, bone mass and strength.
You can increase testosterone levels naturally by performing workouts that induce your body to increase its production. There are a number of bodybuilding programs that have been using this principle for years. The most famous one is Heavy Duty, which was created by Mike Mentzer.
All these training programs share the same principles for increasing testosterone levels and muscle mass. These are:
High intensity: in order to produce a metabolic impact on your body that increases testosterone levels, you must perform compounded exercises such as squats, dead lifts or bench press using heavy weights. Different studies have shown these exercises produce a unique metabolic response as they involve major muscle groups. You should include at least one of these exercises in each workout.
Reduced training volume: in order to produce an increase in testosterone you should use a weight which does not allow you to perform more than 5 repetitions of the same exercise. Different studies have shown that the most effective range of repetitions is between 3 to 5. You should perform just one or two series of each exercise, rest around 2 minutes between series, and you should not perform more than 3 exercises in each workout. Your workout should last between 20 and 30 minutes, which is the optimal range in which testosterone levels are high.
Prioritization of recovery: if you want to see your muscles grow, you should train 2 to 3 times per week as much. Muscle growth and recovery takes time after such a big impact. Different studies range this recovery time from 72 to 96 hours depending on intensity and muscle groups involved in each workout.
Testosterone Workout Example
1x5 Dead lift
1x5 Bench press
1x5 Biceps Curl
* Warm up first using lighter weights before each exercise. You can perform 10 repetitions of the same exercises with 50% of the weight you will use for 5 reps.
For this workout I have included an exercise which does not provide an increase in testosterone, the biceps curl, but as the other two exercises have produced the increase in testosterone, you will benefit from this increase while you perform the biceps curl, and therefore benefit to build a bigger and stronger arm.
This is just an example, but as long as you design your workouts keeping in mind that they should be short and intense, you will increase testosterone levels and therefore muscle mass.
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David A. Garcia
Garcia, David A.".".21 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.28 Feb. 2012
Garcia, D. A. (2012, February 21). . Retrieved February 28, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Increase-Your-Testosterone-to-Build-Muscle&id=6895399Chicago Style Citation:
Garcia, David A. "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Increase-Your-Testosterone-to-Build-Muscle&id=6895399EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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