Saturday, March 17, 2012

Three Basic Elements If You Want Six Pack Abs

ByRon C. White


Today's graphic media, including magazines, television, movies, and video, have educated the masses that having "Six-Pack Abs" is the way to go. They're sexy, stylish, and an outward sign of physical fitness. Not to have them means you're gross, a fat slob. Just look how many sites there are trying to sell you secret ways to six-pack abs without this or that difficulty. I Google'd today "6 pack abs," and out of 16 million sites they present to you some 900, and all of them, from the beginning through to the end, are titled "six-pack abs," and not "six-pack beer," and not "six seat cabs." Hey, look at yourself here reading my article!

But the truth is, that whatever your interest to build muscles and six-pack abs may be, one thing is for sure, it is healthy. A beer-belly, well, let's be nice -- excess fat tissue around the midsection, is a risk factor for many diseases that you want to avoid. So it says on WebMD and many other authoritative sites. Over 60% of Americans are overweight and over 30% are obese, and to rid yourself of midsection excess fat can save your life, sexy or not sexy.

Another aspect of bad health due to being overweight is mental health. There's no denying it, many people are depressed nowadays, and being overweight plays a significant role. One of the symptoms of a person who starts getting into shape is that he starts feeling good about himself.

Therefore, I agree with the media that Six-Pack Abs is the way to go, but not because of what they say, "be sexy, not disgusting." Rather be healthy, live long, live life for the fullest, (and if you're also sexy that's an added plus).


There are many sites that offer "how to" guidance to get into shape, lose unwanted extra fat, and to build muscle. My site also does. But no site and no advice will help if you don't want it yourself. The advertisements show you a before and after picture without showing you the work that the person had to do in order to get from here to there. But there is no mincing words, yes, it takes work, dedication, and perseverance.

I know someone, someone close to me, that had open heart surgery in his early fifties. He went to rehab, and when they told him that he must get in to a regimen of walking and exercise, he listened to what they told him, and he religiously started walking daily for years. The consequences were severe, to avoid walking and exercising, to go back to his inactive lifestyle, put him at a risk of death.

Not everybody has the inner motivation to internalize that it is either life or death. Or if not literally "death," then something like that -- risk of disease, risk of depression, risk of social relationship failure. You must have the dedication, or to inspire yourself to the dedication, that to be overweight and not in shape is not an option at any cost.


There is a video over there at WebMD which talks about the risks of being overweight where a doctor says, "if I could have only one sign on my door, it would be, "It's never too late to start..."

Start today. Go out for a brisk walk for 20 minutes. And start thinking about how you want to get in to a fitness regimen. Start looking around for the available gyms, start looking around for the available trainers, talk to your spouse about taking walks together. Just begin and want to continue.

These are the three elements that you need to know if you want Six-Pack Abs.

For more advice about how to get yourself Six Pack Abs, please visit our site, Six Pack Abs

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Ron C. White

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White, Ron C.".".2 Mar. Mar. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
White, R. C. (2012, March 2). . Retrieved March 8, 2012, from­Basic-­Elements-­If-­You-­Want-­Six-­Pack-­Abs&id=6916103Chicago Style Citation:
White, Ron C. "."­Basic-­Elements-­If-­You-­Want-­Six-­Pack-­Abs&© 2012
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