Monday, March 5, 2012

A Simple Guide To Building Muscle

ByPaul Claybrook

When I was at the gym the other day I saw the same guy I see almost every day. Tall, red hair, skinny as a rail, not more than 20 years old. It's funny to watch him because the fact that he's young and in the gym every day tells me that he is trying to build muscle, but seeing his workout makes me laugh. I have never seen the guy actually do a hard lift. He does bicep curls with very light weight, over and over, tricep extensions with the pulley machine, but rarely bench press and never squats or dead lifts. You see, there are three main components to building muscle and if you don't stick to all of them, you just won't gain. It's that simple.

First, you have to have a good diet. If building muscle is your goal, then a good diet means eating a ton of food. If you are working out correctly, you will go through calories like they're going out of style. Also, consuming large amounts of food, including plenty of protein, will keep your body from using your hard earned muscle as an energy source.

Second, you have to work out right. That means pushing yourself in the gym. You need to do about one warmup set for each lift, but after that, the weight needs to be heavy. By heavy I mean heavy enough that you can't do more than ten reps. Then you add some weight and do it again. Right also means doing deadlifts, bench press, and squats at least once per week. When you do other things, try to make it a lift in which you can do as much weight as possible. For instance, when doing tris, don't do the simple pull down machine, get a heavy dumbell and lift it behind your head.

Lastly are supplements. You don't strictly have to take supplements, but if you don't, your growth will be stifled. However, don't ever assume that supplements are a replacement for a good diet and exercise program. Supplements alone, at least legal ones, are worthless without the right diet and exercise program. However, with the right diet and exercise program, supplements can be a great help in getting you results. Of course there are plenty of them out there, but if you are asking yourself, " what vitamins should I take to get big muscles?" you should consider creatine, testosterone boosters, glutamine, protein, and BCAA's. Learn about each of these, what they do, how they work, what they are, and why you should take them and they will get you much farther than just taking them randomly.

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Paul Claybrook

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Claybrook, Paul".".22 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Claybrook, P. (2012, February 22). . Retrieved February 28, 2012, from­Simple-­Guide-­To-­Building-­Muscle&id=6897754Chicago Style Citation:
Claybrook, Paul "."­Simple-­Guide-­To-­Building-­Muscle&© 2012
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