Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bodybuilding Workouts For The Chest And Legs

ByChristiniana Morgan

Most people are usually very confused as to which type of bodybuilding workouts they should embark on. Before you embark on any bodybuilding workouts, you should see a fitness instructor. They can give you advice on what type of routine to follow, the suitable exercises for your body type, etc. There are different types of bodybuilding workouts depending on the part of the body that you intend to build. There are also different types of bodybuilding exercises for beginners. This is because they have to develop their muscles first before embarking on the tougher ones.

Bodybuilding Workouts For The Chest

The chest belongs to the biggest muscle group in the body. It is also the eye-catching part of a bodybuilder. To equally and easily exercise all parts of the chest, we are going to divide the chest into three parts; the upper, middle and lower chest.

1. Upper Chest: The best exercises for developing the upper chest are the dumbbell press and the incline dumbbell flies exercise. Four sets each comprising 10 repetitions should be performed.

2. Middle Chest: To build the middle chest, you can do either the Bench-Press with Pec-Dec or you perform the Bench Press along with Chest flies. You should note that Chest flies exercises are more difficult than the Pec-Dec exercises. This is because Chest flies require a lot of energy to balance the dumb bells. For the 2 exercises, you have to perform 4 sets each with 10 repetitions per set.

3. Lower Chest: If you are able to perform the upper and middle chest exercises properly, you can then proceed to do the lower chest exercises. To build the lower chest, you will need to do the Declined Bench Press and Declined Bench flies. The weight of the dumbbells used for the lower chest exercises is usually less heavy than that of the normal Bench Press.

Bodybuilding Workouts For The Legs

To exercise the legs, you have to first carry out warm-up exercises like stretches and free-squats. There are three muscles in the legs that can be built - the quadriceps, hamstrings and the triceps.

1. Quadriceps: For this, you begin with performing lunges along with dumbbells. This consists of 4 sets of lunges each with 10 repetitions. After which you do the Leg Raises or the Smith Machine Squats. This is also done in 4 sets with 10 repetitions each.

2. Hamstrings: The hamstring is located at the posterior part of the leg. Performing Leg curls on the machine is the most suitable exercise to tone up the hamstrings. It also consists of 4 sets with 10 repetitions.

3. Calves: The main exercise for the calf is the Calf Raises done on a stand or hack. As in the case of the others, this should also be done in the 4 sets with 10 repetitions format.

These exercises are the most suitable exercises for developing the chest and legs. There are other exercises for building the abs, the arms and other body parts. if you are a beginner, you are advised to carry out your exercises under the watching eye of an instructor. When you have enough experience, you can work out on your own.

Here is the final step you must learn about bodybuilding workouts it has been tested & proven by lots of people so quickly visit: a website that has all the information & resources you need so you can have that body shape you have always desired within days.

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Christiniana Morgan

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Morgan, Christiniana".".27 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
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