An Ideal Fitness System is crucial in developing the proper mind set to obtaining muscle mass you are looking to gain. A proper diet can and will speed up your progress along with a positive mind set.
Secret tip # 1) You don't have to spend hours in the gym every day to achieve muscle mass. Most gym members believe that you must put in the time to achieve results and while this is true determining how much time you need to put in is up for debate. Over extending yourself can be counter-productive and most people need about 60 minutes per workout and studies have shown proper muscle building can be achieved in a routine that consist of 4-5 days per week.
Secret tip # 2) Make sure you do some type of cardio workout but not too much. Many believe that too much of a cardio workout can actually work against building muscle mass. A great example of this would be a long distance runner, they train by running and running and more running which is cardio and their body type is far different than someone looking to build muscle mass.
Secret tip # 3) Stretching is a must! A great stretching program will go a long way when helping develop the muscle mass you are looking for. Always allocate some quality time toward a stretching routine that is specific to the muscle you will be working on that day. I'm sure you've heard it a million times before but please take stretching seriously and be sure to stretch before and after each work out.
Secret tip # 4) Proper techniques should not be over looked. When lifting weights most people are in a hurry to finish their workout and usually sacrifice the proper technique needed to obtain the results they are looking for. Never ever workout without using proper technique, it can lead to injury and that will set you back and get you off of your routine that you worked so hard to create.
Secret tip # 5) Find a workout partner who has the same goals as you do. This should not be overlooked you want to work out with someone who has the same workout schedule that you do and someone who has the same motivation that you have. There is nothing worse than working out with a partner who doesn't have the same commitment that you do, they will get you off track and negativity will inset in your mind and you will feel like it is ok to quit, DON'T EVER QUIT!
Secret tip # 6) Please make sure you chart your progress. One way to do this is to measure your body when you start your program and continue to measure targeted areas monthly. This will allow you to determine which areas of your body that are gaining the muscle mass that you are looking for and can help determine which areas you need to focus on a little extra.
Secret tip # 7) Have a plan and stick to it! To many times in the gym I see people give up on their goals because they fail to stick to a plan. Remember the old saying of if you fail to plan then plan on failing? That is certainly the case here, develop a well thought out plan that is achievable and stick with it. Construct a schedule that you can stick with, if it is working out before you go to work then stick with it, your body loves routines and you will obtain your results faster.
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Thomas A. Bell
Bell, Thomas A.".".17 Feb. Feb. 2012
Bell, T. A. (2012, February 17). . Retrieved February 22, 2012, from Style Citation:
Bell, Thomas A. "."© 2012
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