Saturday, March 3, 2012

Exercise Supplements - Top 10 Exercise Supplements That Will Give You a Great Body

ByAndrew Craig Miller

Expert Author Andrew Craig Miller

1. Creatine

Creatine's primary purpose is for ATP replenishment. ATP is the basic form of energy in our body and is used in nearly all muscular movement. Creatine can be found in meat, so if you eat a ton of meat, you may not require as much creatine; however, if you are a vegetarian and your diet is not comprised solely of meat, you should add creatine to your daily exercise supplements.

2. Casein-Whey Protein

When you are bodybuilding, you create an imbalance in your body. Casein-Whey protein helps to create a positive nitrogen balance in your body, as well as provide the necessary amino acids for protein synthesis. Of course, without protein, the body pretty well goes into a catabolic state, or simply put, it destroys the muscle for energy (not a good thing).

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If you are attempting to get a great body, you will need to include essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help to slow body fat synthesis as well as reducing flare-ups (also known as inflammation) in your joints and muscles. It has been suggested that you take at least five grams a day of Omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Antioxidants

Bodybuilding puts an unnatural strain on your body, creating oxidative reactions that can be toxic to you. Antioxidants help to increase your natural productivity, therefore making it easier to work out without as many after effects. Remember, if your body is overloaded with toxins, it cannot maximize your efforts, and therefore your attempt to get a great body will be in vain.

5. Post-Workout Recovery Drinks

After a grueling working to get a great body, you will need something to replenish your "used" nutrients such as simple carbohydrates. Post-workout recovery drinks help to provide the simple carbs and protein required to re-balance your body's depleted stores. So, go ahead, add some post-workout recovery drinks to your daily exercise supplements... it won't hurt you as long as you use moderation.

6. Glucosamine And Chondroitin

These two supplements are great for reducing pain in the body from sore joint and muscles. When you work out hard, you push the body to extremes, and this can cause pain and inflammation. Adding these supplements will help to reduce your overall pain and suffering, and make it easier to continue your workouts to get a great body.

7. Multi-mineral Supplements

These supplements help you convert and use vitamins effectively. Without minerals, the body pretty much pushes vitamins through without much absorption. These should always be a mainstay of your exercise supplements.

8. Green Tea

Green tea has been linked to increased thermogenic activity (fat burning activity) as well as for its antioxidant value. Some other health benefits include the inhibition of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

9. Estrogen Blockers

Estrogen is known to inhibit muscle growth and therefore blocking it will help immensely when attempting to get a great body. Of course, it is important to cycle these supplements as we still need some estrogen in our body for proper functioning.

10. Fiber Supplements

Fiber helps to regulate the release of carbohydrates in the bloodstream helping to promote positive insulin levels. It also helps in reducing stored body fat. Another great benefit is that it helps to "push" out all of the excess waste that the body creates on a daily basis.

Did you know there are an additional 3 very good exercise supplements necessary for getting a great body. Check these out at

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Andrew Craig Miller

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MLA Style Citation:
Miller, Andrew C.".".18 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Miller, A. C. (2012, February 18). . Retrieved February 23, 2012, from­Supplements-­-­-­Top-­10-­Exercise-­Supplements-­That-­Will-­Give-­You-­a-­Great-­Body&id=6890152Chicago Style Citation:
Miller, Andrew C. "."­Supplements-­-­-­Top-­10-­Exercise-­Supplements-­That-­Will-­Give-­You-­a-­Great-­Body&© 2012
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