Friday, March 2, 2012

Effective Workout Routine - 3 Questions for Your Body-Brain-And-Soul

ByAndrea A Rosian

Expert Author Andrea A Rosian

1. Would you ride your bike with the brakes on?

The problem: Our brains are programmed to function best in harmony. It's great if your workout routine is your first step towards recovery from what has become an unhealthy lifestyle. But no one can sustain two colliding lifestyles for long. The strain on your life caused by the new blend between opposite attitudes will be larger than the strain brought out by the workout itself. What's more, your brain tends to blame the pressure on the last habit to come, which is your workout routine...

Your solution to it: You should start with very mild exercise and catch up with gradual changes in your lifestyle. For example, don't just provide your body a protein-rich food and dietary supplements, like calcium and proteins. Also help your body sustain the effort that you make by gradually refraining from unhealthy dietary habits, like junk food with cola and a couple of beers in the evening. If you can do this with a mild and loving hand (and remember that love is patient and enduring), you will manage to avoid the unconscious pressure that could harm the effects of your workout routine. This is the fastest way to spectacular results.

2. Have you ever been totally happy while working?

The problem: Our brains are prone to confusing workout with a leisure activity. Your brain releases endorphins during the workout routine, and the endorphins that your brain releases will make you happy after every workout session. The similar explosions of happiness that your brain has lived through did not take place while you were working at something. So your brain has good reasons to get confused between workout, which is a conscious effort, and leisure...

Your solution to it: You can teach your brain new habits, in time. All it takes is dedication to your workout routine. Stay focused while at it. This concentration applies to breaks between exercises, as well. Keep the same hours for your routines one week after another and don't change the succession of exercises and breaks unless you have good reasons for that. This way, your brain will gradually learn to feel the need for concentration, whenever the time for your workout comes. The key to reprogramming your brain is in creating habits.

3. Would you make a weird move twenty times in line?

The problem: Our brains are committed to relieving our bodies from excessive and useless effort. You and your unconscious brain define "useless" differently. If you study your workout exercises, you will notice that none of your move is the shortest way to achieve a real-life goal. Think of push-ups...; is that what you would do in real life to get your chest close to/ far from the ground? How about making the same "wrong" move twenty times in line? You need to convince your brain that your workout routine has a deep meaning, because otherwise your brain will find ways to overrule much of your efforts.

Your solution: Resist the urge to "help" your body workout by doing the exercises automatically. Automation is the key to gradually changing your lifestyle habits into healthier ones, but it is also one of the greatest enemies of efficient workout. You have plenty of things to monitor while you workout. You need to keep your backbone straight all through your exercises, to avoid harming it. You need to keep all your muscles under the optimal degree of tension all through your exercises, so that all your movements are fluent and even-paced. Your mind must stay in touch with your body all the while you go through the reps and breaks. Harmony, commitment and focus are the secrets of an effective workout routine.

Andrea A. Rosian is a full-time freelance writer. Andrea writes articles for marketing purposes connected to her activities and her hobbies, because she is fascinated with Marketing Communication and believes that quality content contributes to a quality online environment.

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Andrea A Rosian

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MLA Style Citation:
Rosian, Andrea A.".".19 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Rosian, A. A. (2012, February 19). . Retrieved February 21, 2012, from­Workout-­Routine-­-­-­3-­Questions-­for-­Your-­Body-­Brain-­And-­Soul&id=6891050Chicago Style Citation:
Rosian, Andrea A. "."­Workout-­Routine-­-­-­3-­Questions-­for-­Your-­Body-­Brain-­And-­Soul&© 2012
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