A hard muscular body - that is what most bodybuilders are aiming at. The idea is to have a body with almost no fat. A bodybuilder goes through a process that is designed to enhance the growth of muscle by weight training, increasing the calories taken in by the body and ensuring that the body rests well. Body building just doesn't 'happen' after many hours of hard work in the gym, although that is surely necessary. Some products can be taken to speed up muscle growth, and help to burn fats - these foods are known as weight training supplements. There are various kinds of weight training supplements, for instance, vitamins, which should be taken to enhance the metabolic rate of the body.
It's a fact that the vast majority of people don't get the correct nutritional value from the their food intake, and so they need vitamins.They are definitely needed when weight training as you need to replace the lost energy that the body uses during hard exercise. Some of the vital vitamins a bodybuilder should have are:
Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid is another name for Vitamin C. It is a water-soluble type of vitamin and offers the following benefits: It assimilates iron to help oxygen fix the blood's hemoglobin to help improve endurance, and protects the cells of your muscles from damage. It also helps in forming steroid-hormones. Vitamin C supplements can be purchases in different forms, which include lozenges, capsule, drink-mix packs, and "multi-vitamin formulation".
Vitamin B6, and especially the "pyridoxine" form, is a vital vitamin for body building. There are many benefits of taking this B6. It ensures correct metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, for instance. Apart from special supplements, we find Vitamin B6 in foods like green beans, liver, chicken, sea vegetables, nuts and bananas.
Vitamin B1 - also known as thiamine. B1 is advised for bodybuilders for a variety ofl reasons. It enhances muscle growth as thiamine helps convert hydrocarbons and fats into energy. It aids in maintaining the heart, digestive and nervous systems. Vitamin B1 is found in the majority of "B complex" vitamin packs. Discounting supplements, foods that are rich in B1 are spinach, beef, pork, soybeans, legumes and cereals.
Vitamin D - any bodybuilder will get enormous benefits from the correct intake of Vitamin D as it helps in regulating calcium and phosphorous, thereby helping food absorption. Also, it is thought to increase strong muscle contraction, and aids in the development of healthy bones. Dairy products are the biggest sources of vitamin D. It is also a great idea to eat oils from the livers of fish, and eggs as these are natural sources of Vitamin D.
Last but not least, Vitamin E. In medical terms Vitamin E is known as "tocopherol". It aids bodybuilders hit their weight training goals as it enhances a vital anti-oxidant process that shields the muscle cell walls from possible damage. Vegetable oils are the commonly used main ingredients in the production of Vitamin E supplements, and are also contained in many weight training supplements. Alternatively, you can consume foods such as nuts, soybeans, peanut butter and wheat as other sources of Vitamin E.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graham_P_Bailey
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Graham P Bailey
Bailey, Graham P.".".19 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012
Bailey, G. P. (2012, January 19). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Weight-Training-Supplements-and-Their-Place-In-Your-Body-Building-Plan&id=6827949Chicago Style Citation:
Bailey, Graham P. "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Weight-Training-Supplements-and-Their-Place-In-Your-Body-Building-Plan&id=6827949EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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