The Lean Ripped Body
These days, the growing fitness trend is to look lean and cut. It is becoming more and more desirable to have ripped muscles, especially arms and abs, than it is to be able to lift a lot of weight. Solely being able to life a lot of weight just doesn't have that many positive side effects. I know that I love the sensation when I take my shirt off and people are impressed. Obviously, being able to lift more and more weight is part of a weight training program, however not all plans provide the same results. Many weight training plans out there are designed to solely increase the amount of weight someone lifts and not focused on definition. The right style of workout plan is necessary to gain a cut body, but there are also other ingredients necessary to truly become ripped. These include fitness, and also your diet.
The word: Diet
A proper diet is necessary to really see the results of all your hard work in the gym and doing fitness exercises. It is possible to gain muscle and not really gain the definition that you are looking for. To have a truly ripped body to be proud of, the reality is that you must eat fewer calories. The caloric intake of the average American is much too high to have a ripped body. This makes sense as the average American is also overweight. There are many different strategies about how to take in fewer calories and many of them work in the short term. However, the reason that many of these strategies do not work long-term is because it is work for the dieter. The one real key to finding a diet that works for you is finding something that you can follow and not hate.
My Strategies
My own personal strategies will not work for everyone, but this is what I have found to work for me. I take a very general approach to my diet. I work mostly on controlling the amount of food that I eat and also on making healthy choices when given the opportunity. I, like most people out there, am very busy and so sometimes there is no healthy choice that fits into my schedule. I think that small changes like drinking water and sometimes juice instead of soda and not ordering French fries can make an enormous difference. I have found that I truly enjoy healthy alternatives like salads with a variety of toppings as much as the constant junk food I use to consume. I do not believe in withholding from a craving. If I am craving Ice Cream, I eat some, but only a small amount and definitely one once a day. Treats must be a treat and not a routine.
In summation, dieting is important to have a toned physique, but it is very accomplishable. I focus on a few very general strategies because this is what has worked for me. These strategies include controlling and decreasing the amount of food eaten per meal, and eating what I am craving, but only a small amount. It is important to find what dieting tricks will work for you.
If you are interested in starting the proper workout program to go with the proper , please visit
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Donald McGowan
McGowan, Donald".".22 Jan. Jan. 2012
McGowan, D. (2012, January 22). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from Style Citation:
McGowan, Donald "."© 2012
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