Adding 5 pounds of muscle doesn't sound like a lot when you look at all those overnight success stories, infomercials, and other outright lies. But actually, 5 pounds of muscle is a lot of growth.
Next time you go to the store, find a 1 pound steak. Then imaging that your body has to make 5 of those; that's a ton of meat!
So, here are three practical tips that will help you actually put on 5 pounds of good muscle. And they are...
1. Lift Heavy
Lifting heavy. Don't go for the 'pump', or the 'heat', or whatever stupid feeling is being promoted in fitness magazines these days.
Lift heavy, and lift until you can't lift more. Fight a battle with each set and each rep. If you work to the point of exhaustion, and you keep lifting more every time you go to the gym, then you will be putting on muscle.
Work yourself to the point of failure. If you do that each time you go to the gym, you're telling your body that it's currently not strong enough to endure the rigors that you're putting it through - and it needs to get stronger!
2. REST!
This is a commonly overlooked piece of strength training advice. But it is vital - don't neglect rest.
Most 'hardgainers', people who have trouble putting on muscle, simply either don't workout well, or don't rest well. Overtraining is just as bad as under training.
Sleep is vitally important. Sleep is when your brain releases growth hormone and testosterone, and when you do the bulk of your muscle building and protein synthesis.
If there was a supplement that gave you the same benefits as sleep, you can be sure it would be expensive and it would be the new supplement of choice for everybody, from track athletes to bodybuilders. Instead, just get your sleep.
If you aren't sleeping enough, or the quality of your sleep is crappy, you won't put on muscle. It's as simple as that.
3. Eat Enough
Oh, and eat enough. How much exactly? Enough so that you put on weight.
Now, it's almost impossible for someone to just put on muscle without gaining fat. Be OK with a little fat gain, usually around a 1: 1 or 1: 0.5 ratio of muscle to fat. So, if you what to put on 2 pounds of muscle, be fine with adding 1 to 2 pounds of fat as well.
If you try to stay slim, you'll put on muscle really slowly. You won't get fat, but building muscle will be an uphill battle. Don't make it that difficult - it's hard enough for your body to synthesize muscle in the first place. Gain some fat along with your muscle.
What Else?
I know, lifting heavy, resting, and eating seem too simple to work. What about super sets, or ludicrous sets, and protein powders, and secret supplements?
The truth is that most of that stuff won't give you the benefits you're looking for. The vast majority of your gains will be determined by the basics - eating, sleeping, and a good workout. Optimize that before you start investing time and money in needlessly expensive supplements and protein powders.
The fundamentals are, well, fundamental. Check out the links below to get info on how to start a beginner weight training program right, and how to build strength and muscle.
If you want to get more free info about weight training, check out the 5-Day Beginner Weight Training Course or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer, and I've been lifting heavy things and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training. Check it out! - Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
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Aaron McCloud
McCloud, Aaron".".20 Jan. Jan. 2012
McCloud, A. (2012, January 20). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from Style Citation:
McCloud, Aaron "."© 2012
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