When one is seeking to add some pounds, weight gain foods come in handy. Proper nutrition and diet are the core factors when one wants to gain weight. Regardless of how much weight training you take on, if you are not feeding your body with the right foods, then your efforts will all be in vain.
Why are you underweight?
Perhaps one of the most important question that you should answer before you decide on how you are going to go about trying to gain weight is why you are thin. What is it that has made you lack the muscles and the bulk that you desire? Some common reasons for this include chronic disease, eating disorders, lack of physical activity and age. You may also be thin due to hereditary conditions. When thin, you are more exposed to the risk of getting chronic diseases since your body is weak and frail.
Weight gain foods
It is important to note that muscles in the body are built from the food you eat. The energy used to help in the muscle building process also comes from the food you eat. Therefore, you should eat a diet comprising of proteins (the body/muscle building foods), healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Below are some important foods that you need to incorporate in your diet on a daily basis together with your weight training schedule to help you gain weight.
- Proteins
To gain muscle, you need to take in proteins. These are the muscle building foods. A weight training exercise demands that your body have amino acids. These can only be provided by the proteins we eat in our diet.
On average, you should ensure that you take a gram of proteins for every pound of your weight, that is, for every kilogram on your weight, you should eat 2.2g of proteins. These proteins should be spread out within five to six meals in a day. Good advice is to avoid taking protein supplements and instead take in foods rich in proteins.
Some good sources of proteins include fish, dairy low fat products (with milk being among the best sources), whey, seeds and nuts, and meats.
- Healthy fats
To effectively gain weight, you must also include healthy fats in your diet. These include the omega-3 fatty acids, as well as the monounsaturated and the polyunsaturated fats. Some good sources of these fats include the cold pressed oils like linseed, sunflower and olive oils. Avoid taking in saturated fats like ghee.
- Complex carbohydrates
Your body needs energy to help you with the weight training exercises, as well as the digestion and absorption processes within the body. This energy comes from the carbohydrates you eat. Therefore, make complex carbohydrates a part of your daily diet during the weight gain period.
A common misconception is that taking beer can help with weight gain. However, this is not true. All that happens with beer intake is that it brings about an accumulation of fats in your abdominal section hence the unhealthy pot belly.
In your weight gain efforts, you should also avoid taking in protein supplements as much as you can. If you have to, get advice from your physician or doctor.
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Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lester_Jessop
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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Lester Jessop

Jessop, Lester".".11 Mar. 2012EzineArticles.com.17 Mar. 2012
Jessop, L. (2012, March 11). . Retrieved March 17, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Weight-Gain-Foods-That-Will-Lead-To-Explosive-Muscle-Gains&id=6932936Chicago Style Citation:
Jessop, Lester "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Weight-Gain-Foods-That-Will-Lead-To-Explosive-Muscle-Gains&id=6932936

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