Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Very Best Back Widening Exercises

ByRex F Wheeler

Is it possible to make your back wider? Aren't we 'stuck' with what we've got when it comes to the overall width of our backs? You'll be glad to hear that you absolutely can, to a dramatic extent. The most important muscle to target for this purpose is the latissimus dorsi also commonly referred to as the 'lats'. We won't go through their various functions because it's beyond the scope of this write-up. However, we will look at the exercises that can expand this muscle group and give you width and in some cases, thickness to your back. Without further ado, let's go through these.

Wide grip pull ups - The premier back-widening exercise is the humble wide-grip pull-up. This is not some fancy, new age exercise. This has existed long before anyone young enough to be reading this was born. It's also a difficult and awkward exercise to perform simply because your body isn't necessarily designed to perform any sort of exercise with a grip that is wider than shoulder width. Therefore if you overdo it, you will find a lot of discomfort in the shoulder area. This is almost always never a good sign so if you experience discomfort, narrow the grip a little and try once more.

Dumbbell pull-overs - Dumbbell pull-overs are a forgotten exercise. I rarely, if ever, seem them being performed nowadays and that's quite sad. This is because the dumbbell pullover is one of the best exercises for thickening the upper portion of your latissimus dorsi. This is the bit your tricep rests upon if your arms are by your side. Since it's the uppermost section of your lats, it can also result in a wider back.

Wide grip pull-down - This exercise is pretty much a reversal of the wide-grip pull-up. Pull-downs are much easier because you can work with more weight and perform super-sets which can help you work that area to the extreme. In fact, for overall development of the back, pull-downs are a very versatile exercise indeed.

Wide grip cable rows - I've always been a fan of cable exercises in general. This is simply because the muscles are kept in constant tension throughout the exercise. While you can cheat the movement with dumbbells, it's not so easy to do with a cable. There are a myriad of cable machines which all have a different take on the basic row so take your pick, use a wide grip and power yourself through the sets!

Wide grip bent over rows - I've saved the best exercise for last. Wide grip bent over rows have been used by just about every elite bodybuilder on the planet. They work very well. In Dorian Yates' case, they worked too well. Nobody in the world of bodybuilding ever had a back as thick, voluminous, bulbous and as wide as his. Ronnie Coleman's back was undoubtedly bigger, but Yates just had that extra dose of freakishness. The wide grip bent over row will target the upper portion of the back and deliver that thickness.

Discover more latissimus dorsi exercises that will make your back wider by visiting our website on bodybuilding.

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Health and Fitness: Build-Muscle
Rex F Wheeler

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Wheeler, Rex F.".".14 Mar. Mar. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
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